Kribs And Rams

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Jan 14, 2013
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So, randomly weird question.  I have a 55 long, with a pair of kribs and a pair of gbr, and a nice group of neons.  The kribs have bred several times, but right now they are hanging out on opposite sides of the tank and it looks darn like my male ram is trying to court the female krib.  Is this normal? It doesn't appear to be aggression.  I've never seen breeding behavior of rams really so I'm not sure.  Just seems weird!
Have the rams bred before? It might be that the male ram is courting the female krib he maybe attracted to her red belly but the chances of the female krib actually breeding with the male ram would be really slim especially as he has already paired with the male (plus being different species etc). I would keep a close eye on the situation just in case the male Krib gets aggressive to the ram trying to move in, if necessary put in a temporary tank divider until the kribs get together again.
she's actually not very colorful right now, kinda washed out and seems to just be letting him do what he's doing. I separated them last night I put the krib in a breeding box to give her a time out. My concern right now is that she's actually not feeling well. Less interested in eating and just kinda sits there, and does have some stringy poo.
If the has lost her colouration this would explain why the male has lost interest, but not why the male ram is hanging around. How long has she had little interest in eating? when did she last spawn? is her belly round and fat or sinking in?
I am thinking a few things...
1. recent spawning and caring for eggs does take it out of fish, if they have bred and raised fry several times as you say, she could just be out of condition and needs a break and building up with some extra foods like brine shrimp in garlic (frozen) bloodworm etc.
2. On the last spawning the male could have got too rough with her during courtship and may have damaged her giving her a bacterial infection.
3 If she is bloated (fat) she could be constipated making her loose colour and having stringy poo (feed a cooked de-shelled pea if this is the case)
4 the stringy faeces is an internal parasite and you would need to treat the whole tank with an anti internal parasitic medication.
Personally I would try 3 first but with her in the breeding trap so you can see any faeces, if it is still white after a pea then treat for internal parasites, once that treatment is done if she has not perked up try the more meaty nice foods see if she perks up any.
Sorry its so vague but it is not easy to give a direct diagnosis in this case, but I hope this helps.
There is a list here of medication that may help.
it's been a while since last spawn, it didn't go to well, I've not gotten a successful raising of fry with the exception of the one that I removed the parents from and I still have some of those and are doing well.  The male started picking on the female shortly after last batch emerged from the cave, I then removed him for some time and swapped the tank around a bit and it stopped the fighting but they ate the babies.  That was maybe two months ago.  They had started doing the shakedy shake last week but really just yesterday I noticed the strange behavior.  She doesn't look fat or sunken, just.... normal.

I gave her a little frozen blood worms and she's picking at them, but spitting them back out.  Still washed out looking, and I did notice one of her gills is open slightly.
Does the gill plate look damaged at all? is there any marks on her, missing scale or torn fins? it maybe the male got a little too rough, it is so hard to say. If you have a separate tank I would be inclined to move her and give her some peace and quiet, maybe a dose of some antibacterial medication, some garlic infused food (You can add a drop of garlic juice to some normal food, say 1 drop in 5ml of tank water and let it soak for a while drain off the water then feed) the garlic should help boost her immune system and perk her up some.
only other tank I have is my cherry shrimp tank....I also don't have any garlic.... just powder and I don't know if that's any good for this purpose
I have never tried garlic powder, I dont think it would work (possible other additives too). How is she doing at now?
still hanging in there, but it looks like she may have hole in the head, or.... a wound between the eyes
Start doing a small daily wc about 10-15% see if the wound gets smaller. If it does quite quickly then its just a wound.
looking better, swimming around, has her color back, and her owwies are healing up and not red anymore.  Her days by herself helped her out I think
Sounds good :) you should be able to put her back when she is fully healed, dont rush her it sounds like she could have been also exhausted

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