Keyhole Cichlid


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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I never knew Keyhole cichlids were that big and I was thinking. If they are peaceful how many can you have? Am just thinking as angels are a pain in the rear to keep happy.
Peacefulness is often a reflection of their risk to other types of fish, and assumes that they are kept in a certain way. Keyholes are quite peaceful in that sense but when you start getting territorial issues between fish of the same species then you start to be able to tell that they're cichlids again.
How many you can have would then depend on territory size available and how the tank was set up to break lines of sight.
Now that you put it that way they don't sound that peaceful :|
Bump, So would two or three be okay in the 200L tank? Mixed with emperor tetras :S
Its not just cichlids, just.. more so cichlids. The more plants and 'things' you have in tank, the less they see of each other if they don't want to = the happier they are.... goes for Emperor Tetras too ;)
Two or three ought to be ok, in comparison to other cichlids.. they are very docile... but they are still cichlids, if you put guppies or tiny micro fish in there... you would get your cichlids back ;)
I'd say 2-3 is doable unless you get 2 males + 1 female.

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