
So what's your "local" then? (fish shop not pub...)

(dontsaypetsathome,dontsaypetsathome,dontsaypetsathome.....) :p
I've never had much luck with fish from Westwood,since they moved..(showing my age now!). Garden centre is my local place,never had a bad word to say about them.

and P@H in an emergency.... :shout:
Apart from the time when they had a batch of different coloured hi fin platies in... they were labelled as mollies so after I'd pointed out the difference,in species and price and that I'd have 6 of them...... STILL got the "do you know what you're doing?" questionairre.... :lol:
Also from Kent :) near Dartford, little village called Horton Kirby :) used to work down by you guys tho, used to do work for Phones4u and Gamestation in Ramsgate.
Nope it was just Gamestation lol, I bought my PS3 there :)

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