Fish Crazy
Hello! My name is Bluesand1313 but you can call me Blue! I have two tanks; A 10 Gallon with a 3 inch Bristlenose Pleco, Five 1 inch Neon Tetras, Three 1/2 inch Black Skirt Tetras, and Two 1 inch guppies, temporarily (hopefully)
The 5 gallon only holds two oto's for the moment, Stiggy and Rocky. Hopefully to be the guppies tank.
I like fish and I also have one cat, one bunny, three hermit crabs, and two gerbils along with my fish tanks. I recently lost my betta Cato to sickness. He was a good fish. RIP Cato.
I love taking pictures.. but I really suck at taking pictures of fish. I just can't seem to get a good picture unless they stop moving!
So.. yea. I'm not good at introductions. ^^
The 5 gallon only holds two oto's for the moment, Stiggy and Rocky. Hopefully to be the guppies tank.
I like fish and I also have one cat, one bunny, three hermit crabs, and two gerbils along with my fish tanks. I recently lost my betta Cato to sickness. He was a good fish. RIP Cato.
I love taking pictures.. but I really suck at taking pictures of fish. I just can't seem to get a good picture unless they stop moving!
So.. yea. I'm not good at introductions. ^^