Journey Through Puppyhood

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Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2012
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Hello! I'm bluesand1313, but you can call me Blue! I'm getting a puppy on June 15th, and guess what? I've been with my puppy since before she was born! We visit every two weeks to see her until we pick her up! JUST TWO MORE WEEKS!​
Her name is Piper, and she is a Purebred Golden Retriever Puppy! Here is her journey through puppyhood and adulthood!​
Visit One:
Cooper, the mother, hasn't had her puppies yet. Up there is a picture of Cooper, the mother! She's a really nice dog, super friendly. The lady is friendly too! She said she'll send pictures as soon as the puppies are born!
Visit Two:
Puppies! The pups have been born! We aren't able to hold them yet though, and all they do is squirm, whimper, and sleep. They're pink cause they're under a heat lamp! So adorable though. Can't wait to find out which one is going to be mine!
Visit Three:
They've opened their eyes! They are super adorable and when we went in the box, they all swarmed our feet! I picked one of them up and she tried to feed from me, haha. She was really cute and had a little white patch on her head... I think she might be the one!
Visit Four:
Sorry, this picture is really big. But this is Piper and I! I've chosen my puppy, and guess what- she was the one with the white patch on her head! Isn't she just adorable? She fell asleep in my lap after waddling around and biting my sweater.
Visit 5:
The puppies sure have grown a lot! The last picture is of Piper- She's got her name tag on now! She had just bounced through a puddle when I had taken the picture, so cute! She kept hiding under the car; she wanted to go home with us already! It was super cute, I brought a toy that was pretty much as big as them, and Piper was running with it and tripped over it and did a somersault! So adorable!
And this is where we are now. Next time we go, I'll be picking her up and bringing her home!​
So cute! They sure grow fast!
Looking forward to more updates when you bring her home. :D
They sure do! Seems like just yesterday they were still in Cooper's belly! xD
Will do. :)
Lovely, they are a gorgeous breed and Copper looks like a sweetie too.
Not sure what the breeders routine is prior to you bringing her home, but one thing I always did was place a piece of blanket in the box with the pups then sent it home with the pup and new owner, along with many other things.  I found that this settled the pups and never had any one say that the pup did not sleep through the night.  Another thing you can do is when you get Piper if she does not settle is put a tee shirt you have worn (say in bed) into her bed so that she senses you too.  However, I would start only with the one from the breeder initially as you want Piper to learn to sleep without you around, if you get my drift ;)
This is a link to your other topic (it should jump to the section on Piper) where we started talking fish but then it became about Piper :)  
How did you choose her name?
Where are you located, could you add it in your profile?
Aww Congratz on Piper she's gorgeous, Blue!
Mine is just 3 months old Saturday just gone and has just reduced from 4 to 3 meals a day. I found the best way to get a good night's sleep is to make sure her last feed is just before bedtime. We are now getting 7 hours sleep which is a big bonus! I think the only thing that wakes her is needing the loo as she dashes straight to the door to be let out.
Keep up the journal and post lots of pics!
@RCA: I'm planning on sleeping with her in my bed. I know, it's discouraged, but I'll make sure that she doesn't get jealous if anybody comes over.
Last visit I brought a stuffed animal that will get the scent of her brothers and sisters on it, as well as it has the scent of my other animals on it so they can sniff it. We will be bringing that back with us when we take her, so that'll be her reminder of her mother and siblings.
I came to it online, I was searching, searching, coming up with bad results, and then somebody said; "How about Piper" and it just kinda stuck with me and my mother.
I used to have it on my profile... I might have deleted in by accident. I live in British Columbia, Canada.
@Mamashack: Thanks you!
Thanks for the tip, and I will! :) You're puppy sounds cute too. 
She's adorable! A bit small for my tastes, but still super cute :D
Congrats on the new pup! Mama and I both picked up our puppies around the same time. Huxley is the same age as Ginger, but eats much more than Ginger. Haha.

I've raised several litters of puppies over the years (I foster dogs, my step mother had a litter, etc.) so if you ever need any help, you can always shoot me a question. I've got plenty of resources you can use if I haven't an answer.

Goldens are an excellent breed, but make sure you have a top notch vacuum cleaner. One of the reasons I have moved from goldens to pit bulls is the hair... Of course all the goldens I have ever had were magnificent dogs and easy to house train. Sunny, my companion for ten years before I lost her to cancer, never had a single accident unless she was sick, not even when she was a puppy. Is this your first dog?
I have had a dog before, but he was my step dads, and I was about 5-7 at the time so... Yea, I think you get the idea. Plus Boomer was dog aggressive. Sop he wasn't much fun. But this is MY first dog/puppy, that I get to raise, and train, and is completely MINE, if you know what I mean? Like, she's mine, I get to keep her at my house, no 'visits' or anything. I just.. wow. I still can't believe it. I've been wanting a puppy for eight years now.
I understand exactly how you mean. Do you mind if I list a few books I find helpful? I just finished Cesar Milan's "How to Raise the Perfect Puppy" and found it had plenty of good stuff in it. It also contains references to even more interesting books. There's one called "Inside a Dog (or maybe it is "The Life of a Dog"?)" or something like that, basically about how dogs think. Good stuff. Cesar Milan's stuff is really excellent and way to read. However, if you don't agree with his training methods, then there are others depending on what you want to accomplish.

Have you thought about obedience training? I found that for my boy Theodore, the classes were more about social training and getting him to listen to me more than learning how to sit, stay, etc. I feel we bonded even more tightly as a result of the classes. Definitely worth looking into, in my opinion. Because you are starting out with a golden retriever, you'll want to get your dog accustomed to grooming tools as early as possible, especially the nail clippers and scissors. You don't have to use these items much, but touch them to the puppy's feet or near the face or whatever and give a treat with every good response.

Have you already got a vet lined up? What about food?
I've got the Episode special of that Cesar Milan book, and I've watched it twice now, and it's still saved to our PVR. :)
There are a few things that I don't agree with (ex: the taps to the side, forcing the dog to lie down) but some of his things work wonders, like his putting a foot or stick out in front of a dog while walking to keep them from going in front of you. I've done it with the worst of pullers (I used to be a dog walker) and after a while, they all caught on and got it, both big and small dogs!
I'm going to train her myself. I really don't want to sound uh, what's the word? Obnoxious? But, I'm pretty smart when it comes to animals, and I always do my research (though anything helps!). So I've got all that ready to go :)
Yes, we have a vet, and for food, we are getting natural something. I want to get her Wilderness or Blue, but my moms says that while she's paying for it, it has to be the cheapest natural stuff out there. I think it's called Natural Selection? Idk, I can't remember :p
Only 10 days to go! It's so exciting and time doesn't go fast enough at this stage! lol
Sounds like you've got many things sussed! Hope it all goes well on pick-up day!
You are awake late! Whereabouts are you? I'm assuming somewhere in the USA from your use of "mom".
Will Piper have a middle name? All my dogs have middle names. Ruca Jane, Dylan Doo, Theodore Bear, Huxley May...
Also, you look a lot like one of my stepmother's nieces. Isn't that odd? Where are you from?
@Mamashack: When I read yours, I started crying! Your post made me realize that I can now count down the days on my fingers, and I guess I got really happy.. xD
I live in Canada, so I guess it's close to USA.. but I'm not American. I'm Canadian :p
And I'm usually up until 1-2 in the morning, cause I'm tired in the morning and a night owl at night, so I'm not tired unless I watch tv.
@attibones: A middle name? Never thought of that for any of my pets. Maybe if she gets a nickname... Sparkles, my cat, we call her Stinky Butt because once she butt-scootched across the carpet. My mom was freaking out but I was laughing really hard xD  So we call her Sparkles Stinky Butt.
I was going to say Perfect-Timing Pup (because she was born and will be ready to go home at exactly the time we need, hence Perfect-Timing Pup.) but that's too long for a nickname.
As I said for Mamashack, I'm from Canada. I've seen a couple of me look-alikes, even my best friend and I can pass for sisters, we look exactly alike. :3

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