Jen's Forgotten Forest

Its some Hornwort I got from LFS
This was my jungle in my old 90.


I'm a big fan of the style. I was hoping to keep this one more clean, but we'll see what it turns into.
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This was my jungle in my old 90.

(hmmm. image links don't work right now. Strange)

I'm a big fan of the style. I was hoping to keep this one more clean, but we'll see what it turns into.

For the time being
OMG that was beautiful! What was that carpeting plant in the front center?!
I'm stumped. My nitrates seem to be dropping, but my nitrites are going back up. Ammonia has been 0 for 4 days. I fed my snack dose yesterday, ammonia is back to 0 but the nitrites went back up after a small drop. Nitrates made a huge drop from 15 to 10 two days ago. Should I worry?
Nitrates can't go down, unless you do a water change or have some sort of denitrification process happening in your tank...

More likely is that the nitrate reading is a bit unreliable.

The nitrite... how high is it? I'd wait three days before adding any more ammonia and see where the nitrite is.

When in doubt... a water change is always an option. Probably unnecessary, but won't do much harm, and put back any of the micronutrients needed for a cycle back into the tank... and might kick start it again.
it's so hard to read. The difference between 2 and 5 nitrite is so minute and/or my eyes don't see a difference. Today nitrate looks closer to 5 and the other day it was definitely darker.

I just added all those plants in... could they effect it?

Plants will use ammonium and nitrate, but won't use nitrite.
a little trick I learned here is to always view the test kit colors in daylight against white paper with your back to the sun. I stand with my back to my sliding glass door in my kitchen.
It's helped me tons! Those darn shades in the API kits are so similar.
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Woot woot!! I do believe I'm cycled!

What a change from 2 days ago!

Edit: reread the rules and added my dose 4 tonight and fingers crossed for 0s tomorrow!!

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OMG hubbs is so excited that we are officially cycled. Its been a looong 23 days for him (even though he was gone for half of that) and reminding him that this was quite a fast cycle comparatively did nothing to make the wait worth it for him. I half expect him to come home tonight with a bag full of fish lol

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