I'm new to the salted side of fish keeping so bare with me
Ok, so ive been debating whether or not to setup a FOWLR tank for a couple of months now (after alot of reading), and yesterday, for some reason i woke up and decided to do so. It's a tank i already had (but not in use) it is a 66litre (15 gallon)with external filter and 18w stock lighting, as its only going to be a FOWLR i'm not going to upgrade the lighting at the moment.
The Kent salt and RO water went in yesterday, and is measuring 1.023. Heated to 78F.
I spent over £60 on live rock, and got very little (which is to be expected) i may pick up more next week, but at the moment its helping with things. I was going to get crushed coral while i was getting everything else yesterday, but they had no bags left
so at the moment its barebottom. Ill pick up the substrate next week also along with a powerhead.
I have afew questions about hitchhikers if you wouldn't mind helping me with?
The live rock is really 'coming alive' now that its settling, it fascinates me!!!
so here's some pics and questions as to what the things in the pics are...
Asterina starfish? ive seen over five of these in there. I have also spotted some smaller looking starfish, their boidies are round and they have long legs?
This slug thing, not a great pic, but its a yellow colour with a grey shell thing on it's back? ive seen 3 of these, this is the biggest at around an inch.
These i'm not sure of, this is the largest one, but there are afew smaller ones popping up around the tank.
This popped up this morning too...
This has not opened up or anything, some sort of coral?
Like i said i'm new to all this and am glued to my tank at the moment, spotting new things everytime i look. Probably nothing to some of you, but i am like a little boy on christmas morning haha
Any help/info would be greatly appreciated
O yeh, a background will be added at some point too.
Ok, so ive been debating whether or not to setup a FOWLR tank for a couple of months now (after alot of reading), and yesterday, for some reason i woke up and decided to do so. It's a tank i already had (but not in use) it is a 66litre (15 gallon)with external filter and 18w stock lighting, as its only going to be a FOWLR i'm not going to upgrade the lighting at the moment.
The Kent salt and RO water went in yesterday, and is measuring 1.023. Heated to 78F.
I spent over £60 on live rock, and got very little (which is to be expected) i may pick up more next week, but at the moment its helping with things. I was going to get crushed coral while i was getting everything else yesterday, but they had no bags left

I have afew questions about hitchhikers if you wouldn't mind helping me with?
The live rock is really 'coming alive' now that its settling, it fascinates me!!!
so here's some pics and questions as to what the things in the pics are...

Asterina starfish? ive seen over five of these in there. I have also spotted some smaller looking starfish, their boidies are round and they have long legs?

This slug thing, not a great pic, but its a yellow colour with a grey shell thing on it's back? ive seen 3 of these, this is the biggest at around an inch.

These i'm not sure of, this is the largest one, but there are afew smaller ones popping up around the tank.

This popped up this morning too...

This has not opened up or anything, some sort of coral?

Like i said i'm new to all this and am glued to my tank at the moment, spotting new things everytime i look. Probably nothing to some of you, but i am like a little boy on christmas morning haha

Any help/info would be greatly appreciated

O yeh, a background will be added at some point too.