Is this normal for cryptocoryne wendtii?


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So these wendtii have been like this for a while but they seem to be really healthy... But I'm not sure why the leaves are partially brown. The ones on the far left are wendtii red and that coloring is normal, but the brown on the green ones is confusing me.
are those older leaves that were born emersed maybe? guessing
I cut all the emersed leaves off before planting, so these were grown underwater. But maybe the plant itself is still adjusting?
There's a variant of wendtii that has brownish leaves; looks like you have one of those.
Oh ok... Interesting. Maybe it'll grow on me after a while. I was really hoping for green LOL
Thanks! Really glad to know it's healthy
Hello Crypt plants are very sensitive. They'll die back whenever they're moved or their environment changes in other ways. They need strong lighting and root tabs are needed, but place the tabs a distance way from the plant, and use some long aquarium tweezers to place the tabs. This plant isn't one of the better ones for the sensitivity reason. Java fern looks similar and is much easier to plant and care for. I'd recommend it instead of the Crypts.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello Crypt plants are very sensitive. They'll die back whenever they're moved or their environment changes in other ways. They need strong lighting and root tabs are needed, but place the tabs a distance way from the plant, and use some long aquarium tweezers to place the tabs. This plant isn't one of the better ones for the sensitivity reason. Java fern looks similar and is much easier to plant and care for. I'd recommend it instead of the Crypts.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
These are doing better than Java Ferns have for me, so no 😂
They have been growing very well, I was just worried about the coloration...
Hello. Glad to have a Crypts expert. I'll get back with you when I'm ready to try Crypts again. I've had much better luck with the Java fern. My lighting is basic LED type, or florescent strip lighting and I have 55 gallon tanks that are 21 inches tall. Not the best for Crypts, I guess.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. Glad to have a Crypts expert. I'll get back with you when I'm ready to try Crypts again. I've had much better luck with the Java fern. My lighting is basic LED type and I have 55 gallon tanks that are 21 inches tall. Not the best for Crypts, I guess.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Well I'm no expert by any means lol. This is my first planted tank... I'm seeing what works and what doesn't. I'm using root tabs and liquid supplements, a full spectrum LED, and I cut all the emersed leaves off after planting which helped...
For me, my Java Ferns don't grow, get brown spots (not the spores, just brown spots). Even with fertilization they don't do that well...
I guess everyone's water is different and therefore plants react differently in different parameters. So some plants just don't do well for others...
Out of curiosity, what is the PH for your tanks?
Well I'm no expert by any means lol. This is my first planted tank... I'm seeing what works and what doesn't. I'm using root tabs and liquid supplements, a full spectrum LED, and I cut all the emersed leaves off after planting which helped...
For me, my Java Ferns don't grow, get brown spots (not the spores, just brown spots). Even with fertilization they don't do that well...
I guess everyone's water is different and therefore plants react differently in different parameters. So some plants just don't do well for others...
Out of curiosity, what is the PH for your tanks?
Hello. pH is a bit acidic, around 6.8. This stays very constant, because I change out a lot of tank water every week. Since my tanks are a little taller and the lighting is a little less intense, the Java Fern is better than the Crypts. Also, I can easily move the ferns around and it won't die back.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
They need strong lighting
No they don't. There may be a small number of variants that do better in brighter light but low light is the preference for the majority. Cryptocorynes are slow growing 👍🏻 bright light just grows algae. Root tabs are hugely appreciated though
And I don't agree that it looks unhealthy. Looks good to me, you get all sorts of colours...let it grow a bit and see what it does
No they don't. There may be a small number of variants that do better in brighter light but low light is the preference for the majority. Cryptocorynes are slow growing 👍🏻 bright light just grows algae. Root tabs are hugely appreciated though
Hello. That's interesting. My understanding was that Cryptocoryne plants grew best with CO2. You need strong light with CO2, do you not? I've used just moderate light with them in the past and never had much luck with them.

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