is this bad?


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
i've heard all about the debate on human/ animal saliva killing birds so this is not what this is about :D

my baby budgie pickle likes to give me kisses so i alway put him nose level so that he kisses my nose instead of my lips,
anyways i had chapstick on (nothing fancy) and i was singing while i did my housework and i guess my lips were shiny so pickles crawled over and licked my lip.

not that i would ever let him but will this hurt him?
will it make sick?
I have been dealing with birds for a LONG time. I have owned Hyacinth macaws, umbrella cockatoos, moluccan cockatoos, scarlet macaws, cockatiels, lovebirds and parakeets and I have NEVER heard anything about human saliva killing or being bad for them. I have worked right with the breeders that we got a few of our birds from, and have never heard anything like that. I let my lutino cockatiel right now chew on my lips ALL the time and shes just fine. I really dont think that getting a little of your chapstick is going to hurt your bird at ALL. My birds have taken food right out of my mouth before and all been just fine.

I dont think you have anything to worry about. :D
i only said the saliva thing for fear that someone might beat me for it! :lol:
i still take precations but you know how strongly some people feel about some stuff!

i don't know where it came from but some people follow it strongly!
It all sounds awfully made up to me!!! I have never heard that before, and being closely involved as I am in the birdie world.. if it was true I would think I would have heard about it. :D
I know.. they are my favorite. Actually tho... black palm cockatoos are the most expensive! My breeder friend bought two pairs for 24,000 EACH.

This pic is of my friends birds. :D
I have actually heard the same thing, when I first bought my quaker parrot 5 years ago I got a book on him and it said human saliva can kill them. Its most def a myth because he eats right outta my mouth and still is alive and very healthy. Cat saliva is dangerous, avacados and caffeine, but chapstick wont hurt the fella ;)
I've heard this rumour before and always avoided my birds getting near my mouth untill one evening I fell asleep on the couch with my mouth open and woke to find one of my conures cleaning my teeth!

He suffered no ill affects and now I am happy to receive kisses from all my flock (Rosie the Galah really loves her kisses)

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