Is There A Way To Tell Aquatic From Non Aquatic At Lfs?


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
South Australia
Hi all, I'm new to plants in my tank. I'm wondering if there's some way you can tell at a glance which plants are aquatic, and which are non aquatic at the LFS? I have one I bought in a little terracota pot that is doing well, but the two I bought in bunches haven't done so well. Are the ones in bunches more likely to be non aquatic?
Hi all, I'm new to plants in my tank. I'm wondering if there's some way you can tell at a glance which plants are aquatic, and which are non aquatic at the LFS? I have one I bought in a little terracota pot that is doing well, but the two I bought in bunches haven't done so well. Are the ones in bunches more likely to be non aquatic?

look at this list

and if it looks like anything on it don't part with your cash.
ask them to lift the plant out of the water, if it falls down or calapses then its aquatic, if it stands up strait and looks strong than its prob not aquatic
ask them to lift the plant out of the water, if it falls down or calapses then its aquatic, if it stands up strait and looks strong than its prob not aquatic
yeah that only works some times, ALOT of plants are grown emersed this could mean putting back an aquatic plant believing it to be terrestrial. its a good test but useless for alot of the plants we keep. :good:

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