So in the past, I have typically bought non schooling fish in groups of 3… my dwarf Cichlids, my African Tetras, 3 of each individual species, individual species of the Hillstream Loaches, Rainbow fish, etc.
But this morning, while watching tanks, something I enjoy each morning, I was feeling bad for a particular 3rd wheel, an electric blue ram… since my dozen Rummy Nose’s were group spawning the other day, 2 of the 3 electric blue rams have been chummy… I'm not seeing any spawn activity, but there was originally a pretty big size range between the 3 of them, and they were all pretty independent, but this week, 2 of them, haven’t been more than 6 inches apart, and the 3rd seems to be hiding more… I’ve not witnessed any aggression from the other two, a big community tank, with lots of cover…. I’m just feeling bad it doesn’t have a buddy too…
But this morning, while watching tanks, something I enjoy each morning, I was feeling bad for a particular 3rd wheel, an electric blue ram… since my dozen Rummy Nose’s were group spawning the other day, 2 of the 3 electric blue rams have been chummy… I'm not seeing any spawn activity, but there was originally a pretty big size range between the 3 of them, and they were all pretty independent, but this week, 2 of them, haven’t been more than 6 inches apart, and the 3rd seems to be hiding more… I’ve not witnessed any aggression from the other two, a big community tank, with lots of cover…. I’m just feeling bad it doesn’t have a buddy too…
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