Is My Nitrogen Cycle Complete?

You are not fully cycled until your ammonia reading is permanently at 0.
Hi llovemybetta,

I took a look at your posts and could not find that you ever reported your tap water ammonia level to the members. Sometimes newcomers get immediately involved in their fish-in cycle and forget to first test their tap water to see whether any ammonia is coming in that way. It doesn't mean that your biofilter won't eventually clear all the ammonia from our tank, just that water changes might have a harder time helping (although they are still a must but just in smaller amounts and more frequently if you turn out to have ammonia in your tap water.) Hope that makes sense...?

You are in good hands with WD. I will leave this one to him. He would be a MOD today if he had accepted the nomination but he had other obligations.
What wd said.

How have you been cycling? Fish in or fishless?
What wd said.

How have you been cycling? Fish in or fishless?

Fish, i have a couple of zebra danio's

Hi llovemybetta,

I took a look at your posts and could not find that you ever reported your tap water ammonia level to the members. Sometimes newcomers get immediately involved in their fish-in cycle and forget to first test their tap water to see whether any ammonia is coming in that way. It doesn't mean that your biofilter won't eventually clear all the ammonia from our tank, just that water changes might have a harder time helping (although they are still a must but just in smaller amounts and more frequently if you turn out to have ammonia in your tap water.) Hope that makes sense...?


Thanks, it did
I tested my tap water and I have no ammonia

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