Is My Boesemani Breeding?


Jan 11, 2011
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Just observed some strange behaviour for my dominant boesemani. It is defending a spot amongst the plants on the left-middle part of the tank, at the back. He is chasing all other fishes away. I can't see any eggs but I don't know what to look for or where to look. Don't really want to disturb it either after my experience with my sajica (where I broke up the pairing and caused a domestic in the process). Should I leave it to nature? Should I try to find some eggs? But would that stop the spawning? Someone please advise me!

What you are describing is specific to cichlid breeding, rainbows do it differently. They aren't good parents, they simply lay their eggs in a suitable spot, then move on. The eggs are fertilized as they are laid.

Here's a youtube video that shows some courting behavior: Boesemani breeding

The breeding display by melanotaenia lacustris is quite the show too: Lacustris breeding
Thanks. I shall have a look and see if there's any egg then. Probably none as you said but I wondered why he's doing that...

I noticed you seem to have some very nice boesmani. :)

Thanks. I'm not sure whether I'm lucky or not. I have seen boesemani in LFS same size as mine but the colour is totally different (ie none). I thought they maybe female, but my not so striking one (?female)are still more colourful than theirs, making me reluctant to add more to my stocking (see my nuermous other threads). Anyway...

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