Is It Ok Now


Jan 8, 2012
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is it ok to add some shrimp to my tank now I have put some of my filter pad from my other tank in so it should be ok shouldn't it
I would think its fine :)

Just keep an eye on your water stats for a while.
What are your water stats? Is this continued from another post, sort of?
i don't know what my stats i don't have a test kit
If you don't have a test kit then I'd say no to adding some shrimp.
It would probably be okay but you really need a test kit to make sure that you don't end up with a build up of ammonia. 
You also need to add pure ammonia to the tank to keep the bacteria alive while there's no stock in it.
Actually, if you added enough mature filter media to fill the filter, you should be all right. I just did that with my 10g shrimp/cory egg tank and it's fine.
This Old Spouse said:
Actually, if you added enough mature filter media to fill the filter, you should be all right. I just did that with my 10g shrimp/cory egg tank and it's fine.
That's true but it's always best to be safe :)
ok l will test the water tomorrow and put the results up

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