is a little guinness stout harmful?


New Member
May 23, 2017
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I accidentally tipped over a bottle of Guinness extra stout and quickly recovered it but not before a shot entered the tank close to the filter. is this very harmful or will my babies be ok? I have a 75 gallon with 2 filters, 2 bubbles going. there are 3 bichirs, 2 peacock eels, 2 catfish, African leaf, a rainbow shark, a clown loach and 2 pleccos.
In that amount of water, a shot's worth of stout shouldn't do any harm, but I'd do a big water change, if I were you, just to be on the safe side.

I know this isn't what you're asking about, but I feel I have to point out that you have few issues going on with your stocking. Clown loaches should always be kept in groups of at least six, as they're very social, but your tank, although a good size, isn't really big enough for them. You might also have issues with your plecs, depending on what species they are, as some plecs can grow very, very large (especially, sadly, the most commonly sold; commons and sailfins) and they can get very territorial as they mature.
I put the loach there to reduce snail and some black worms i noticed. hes the smallest guy in there and he seems happy. i know pictus should also be kept in schools but my sole pictus is well adjusted. 2 bichirs are huge and the plecco are indeed growing but the largest is my eclipse cat. I know I'm going to need a bigger tank eventually. this is the 5th size upgrade since getting the bichirs. 10, 15, 30, 50, 75. I knew I'd get extra advise, that's why I listed all my fish. thank you!

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