Introduction Post


Fish Gatherer
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
South East, England
Hi! Recently joined this forum since I'm new to this hobby and would love to learn more! I'm Luka and I am very new to personally keeping fish. All my current knowledge on fish comes from my father who has kept fish all his life. As passed-down knowledge only stretches so far, I joined this forum in the hopes of becoming more up-to-date with info on all things related to this hobby.

Currently got a ~160L Juwel tank with a variety of tropical fish.

I am very taken by all types of plecos and catfish, and am very open to discussion on sailfins and corys!

(Edit: tank is 170L)
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Hi! Recently joined this forum since I'm new to this hobby and would love to learn more! I'm Luka and I am very new to personally keeping fish. All my current knowledge on fish comes from my father who has kept fish all his life. As passed-down knowledge only stretches so far, I joined this forum in the hopes of becoming more up-to-date with info on all things related to this hobby.

Currently got a ~160L Juwel tank with a variety of tropical fish.

I am very taken by all types of plecos and catfish, and am very open to discussion on sailfins and corys!
haha, i love plecos and cories too! welcome ! pics of tanks? what fish do you have?
I am very taken by all types of plecos and catfish, and am very open to discussion on sailfins and corys!
Sailfins grow huge. You'd need an enormous tank for a sailfin plec. But there are several plecs, and of course cories, which would be fine in a 160 litre tank.

Which model tank do you have? Juwel don't make a 160 litre tank, but all but one style would be OK. The last one, the Lido, has a very small footprint for its volume so that would be trickier to stock.

Be careful about knowledge passed down. Another member has trouble with her father's ways of doing things :unsure:

Edit - I have just seen your other thread with a photo of the tank. I have to admit I've never seen that style Juwel tank before!
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Sailfins grow huge. You'd need an enormous tank for a sailfin plec. But there are several plecs, and of course cories, which would be fine in a 160 litre tank.

Which model tank do you have? Juwel don't make a 160 litre tank, but all but one style would be OK. The last one, the Lido, has a very small footprint for its volume so that would be trickier to stock.

Be careful about knowledge passed down. Another member has trouble with her father's ways of doing things :unsure:
I had originally thought that my sailfin was just a common plec at first, since the shop we got him from wasn't really all that interested in anything aside from his £20 price tag... If the worst happens and he starts growing into some great monster then I'll have to keep him in his own tank :confused:

As for the model, I'm not really sure. I think it might be 170L, but with the substrate comes to about 160L in the end. Here's a photo of the tank, it's some sort of hexagon lol.

And yes, he is generally very knowledgeable but insisted that a pufferfish would be just fine in a tank of little tetras and guppies lol. Did my own research on that one. :no:


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haha, i love plecos and cories too! welcome ! pics of tanks? what fish do you have?
I've got a pretty big variety! About five types of tetra, bronze corys, a sailfin pleco and a common pleco, some lovely male guppies and a few others lol.

Hoping one day to get a snowball pleco and gold laser corys :D
Here's some pics of my tank, my sailfin and shrimp refusing to leave my common plec alone.


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I've got a pretty big variety! About five types of tetra, bronze corys, a sailfin pleco and a common pleco, some lovely male guppies and a few others lol.

Hoping one day to get a snowball pleco and gold laser corys :D
Here's some pics of my tank, my sailfin and shrimp refusing to leave my common plec alone.
big fan, responeded to your other thread. the shrimps are soooo coool!!! very cute, i am planning to get some bamboo shrimp think they aer similar
I've got a pretty big variety! About five types of tetra, bronze corys, a sailfin pleco and a common pleco, some lovely male guppies and a few others lol.

Hoping one day to get a snowball pleco and gold laser corys :D
Here's some pics of my tank, my sailfin and shrimp refusing to leave my common plec alone.
also nice captions
Hi! Recently joined this forum since I'm new to this hobby and would love to learn more! I'm Luka and I am very new to personally keeping fish. All my current knowledge on fish comes from my father who has kept fish all his life. As passed-down knowledge only stretches so far, I joined this forum in the hopes of becoming more up-to-date with info on all things related to this hobby.

Currently got a ~160L Juwel tank with a variety of tropical fish.

I am very taken by all types of plecos and catfish, and am very open to discussion on sailfins and corys!
A hearty welcome to you Luka!
I love your profile pic ♡
Hi! Recently joined this forum since I'm new to this hobby and would love to learn more! I'm Luka and I am very new to personally keeping fish. All my current knowledge on fish comes from my father who has kept fish all his life. As passed-down knowledge only stretches so far, I joined this forum in the hopes of becoming more up-to-date with info on all things related to this hobby.

Currently got a ~160L Juwel tank with a variety of tropical fish.

I am very taken by all types of plecos and catfish, and am very open to discussion on sailfins and corys!
Hiya Luka! Welcome to the forums, I hope you're having a great day! :)

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