Introduce The New Fish In The Tank. What Would Effect?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2013
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I love to introduce Paroon shark & golden belly barb or golden tinfoil barb into my tank with Senegal Bichir inside. 
Is it fine? The LFS here said it is gonna be ok. I just want to make sure first before buy it from you all guys.
What would be effect to my water condition like ammonia, nitrite, pH, temperature if I do that?
Info: Tank 122cm X 46cm X 46xm (Fully cycled)
You may go through a mini cycle while the bacteria catches up with the extra bio-load. 
Monitor the ammonia/nitrite levels for at least a week.
If possible, quarantine the fish first as they might bring something into your aquarium like ich etc.
It is best to quarantine for at least two weeks.
Not a chance sorry... the Parroon Shark can grow to the size of the tank at 120cm + !!! The Tinfoils are a good foot long fish if not more, they are incredibly active and need huge huge tanks. Also isnt the Golden Belly Barb an other name of Mahseer? These are game fish. In fact a lot of the fish you talk about are actually food fish - large growing fish that are fast to grow so able to feed people easily and cheaply when they are intensively farmed like cows and pigs. The problem is they are cheap as youngsters so enter the fish tank trade - despite being a terrible, horrific idea.
You have a good sized tank here I would stop going to look at such monster fish - have a look around this forum in the journals and members photo sections and you will find other good examples of the fish that you like.
There are always alternatives to monster fish - especially for a tank like this. For example instead of the Paroon Shark what about Agenisous Catfish? A fraction of the size but very similar shark like appearance. Instead of the Gold Tinfoils what about some Gold Denison Barbs? All very similar in appearance but all smaller and easier to keep for the full lifespan of the fish.
Hope thats helped.
Blondielovesfish said:
If possible, quarantine the fish first as they might bring something into your aquarium like ich etc.
It is best to quarantine for at least two weeks.
Thanks for the replied. How to quarantine the fish? Put to other temporary tank?
Wills said:
Not a chance sorry... the Parroon Shark can grow to the size of the tank at 120cm + !!! The Tinfoils are a good foot long fish if not more, they are incredibly active and need huge huge tanks. Also isnt the Golden Belly Barb an other name of Mahseer? These are game fish. In fact a lot of the fish you talk about are actually food fish - large growing fish that are fast to grow so able to feed people easily and cheaply when they are intensively farmed like cows and pigs. The problem is they are cheap as youngsters so enter the fish tank trade - despite being a terrible, horrific idea.
You have a good sized tank here I would stop going to look at such monster fish - have a look around this forum in the journals and members photo sections and you will find other good examples of the fish that you like.
There are always alternatives to monster fish - especially for a tank like this. For example instead of the Paroon Shark what about Agenisous Catfish? A fraction of the size but very similar shark like appearance. Instead of the Gold Tinfoils what about some Gold Denison Barbs? All very similar in appearance but all smaller and easier to keep for the full lifespan of the fish.
Hope thats helped.
Thanks Will, Yeah I look through to the internet, this paroon shark can be up to 10feets. Crazy bigger.. About Barb fish, too many types.. some of them can be huge size & some can reach 1.5-2 feets. & I'm a bit confuse about the name of barb fish. Are they similar to mahseer or hampala fish? 
I will try look into the Journal.
To quarantine a fish, you need a tank of at least 5 gallons (depending on size and number of fish). Make sure the conditions are right and add the fish. You then monitor the fish and if any problems arise, you treat them.
If you dedicate a tank to quarantining then you can also use it for treating fish if they get sick.

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