"interesting" Question..

well in humans, men get stunned in a way. we fall a sleep. this is a chemical released once we orgasm. it comes from when we were cave men and apes, This is so the female can escape from being ravaged. whe we werent so civial women would have been raped when a man got an urge. so this chemical is release to make a man docile. now we just have to stay awake long enough to give a cuddel and say i love you then fall off to a happy sleep.
regardless of whether or not fish experience orgasms, ever think they're just plain tired? I mean, come on, it can't be easy to maintain that position, and egad, if you have a filter (which of course you do) there's even a CURRENT to contend with. better him than me :lol:
Too much information, NinjaSmurf :lol:
My mom's lovebirds do the same as the cockatiel you mentioned, though... both at the same time. They are two boys in love :wub:
I have this weird fact book and it said that pig orgasms last an hour. So, maybe the corries were experiencing it? I don't know.

am lions have up to 30 different mates a day.... i still wanna be a pig...

also, the male homosapien also suffers from an effect called "FARO" - it stands for "Fart And Roll Over" :lol: :lol:
all she's doing is touching him with her mouth?

well in humans, men get stunned in a way. we fall a sleep. this is a chemical released once we orgasm. it comes from when we were cave men and apes, This is so the female can escape from being ravaged. whe we werent so civial women would have been raped when a man got an urge. so this chemical is release to make a man docile. now we just have to stay awake long enough to give a cuddel and say i love you then fall off to a happy sleep.

oh yeah, and I meant to ask...if the chemical is released AFTER the "O" so the woman can "escape" (or as we now call it "going to finish the ironing") are ya doing it wrong? lol, surely there's no ravaging going on AFTER the "O" is there?

Men fall asleep post coitally so they can't say anything stupid and ruin it.
My Panda Cories act stunned after they've found a tasty bit of food

Just goes to show that chocolate is as good as an orgasm :D

Or am I just getting old :blink:
all she's doing is touching him with her mouth?

well in humans, men get stunned in a way. we fall a sleep. this is a chemical released once we orgasm. it comes from when we were cave men and apes, This is so the female can escape from being ravaged. whe we werent so civial women would have been raped when a man got an urge. so this chemical is release to make a man docile. now we just have to stay awake long enough to give a cuddel and say i love you then fall off to a happy sleep.

oh yeah, and I meant to ask...if the chemical is released AFTER the "O" so the woman can "escape" (or as we now call it "going to finish the ironing") are ya doing it wrong? lol, surely there's no ravaging going on AFTER the "O" is there?

Men fall asleep post coitally so they can't say anything stupid and ruin it.

LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :good: :good: :good: so funny

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