Inexperience Is An Asset. A Planted Journal.

Does this chick ever shut up?

  • OMG, I just clawed my own eyes out.

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Don't ever shut up!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Seriously????!!! SHUT UP!!!!!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Updates Please!

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • How can we say this nicely........? :/

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Total looney nut job!!

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
Awww. Through the day, I was noticing less fry. There are not as many today as I saw yesterday; DRAMATICALLY less. I wish I had removed them like I had planned.

I have an empty 10g cycled and ready for fry, but I didn't move this batch.

:( If any are there in the morning. I will move them :good:
Bummer, ah well if it doesn't work, remember it is the first try at fry!
I'm done. If you know anyone who wants to buy a 46g full setup let me know.
I'm done. If you know anyone who wants to buy a 46g full setup let me know.

What?! Are you giving up? C'mon don't throw a tantrum here :fun:. I guess you lost the fry right? Well, I can tell you that this is very common in community tanks, it would actually be a miracle if they survived. I only once had 1 kribensis fry survive from a large batch in a community tank.

But there are easy solutions; either you put them separate or you make a tank divider. Once the fry are free swimming, put them in a secluded area behind a tank divider. Lesson learned!
Ok. So I was being a baby! There are still about 20 fry, which is impressive after this many days on a first spawn IN a community tank.

I was being a baby however because all of a sudden I realized why the cories were acting so strangely. They have velvet, so do the guppies in the qt tank.

I was really upset this morning because I cant buy a healthy fish. Its making me disgusted with the whole hobby and my location. I should seriously videotape my interactions with my hillbilly, moron LFS owners. I bought all of these new fish online, from a seller that I trusted and they came half dead and now ill.

100% this is not my doing. It can't be. I do water changes, prune my plants, attempt to underfeed. My lights are on 6-8 hours.

PS: I wouldn't have been that upset over losing the fry. This was the first spawn. I AM upset that any fish I buy come with a whole host of diseases.

There's a chance I could have contaminated my Angel tank, because it happens to be hard to avoid, no matter how careful.
I am sorry to hear that. I know you are taking a lot of precautions but shipped fish are more vulnerable to getting diseases because the shipping wears down their defenses plus sudden temperature changes before shipping, during shipping or after shipping can also cause velvet. You can't control what happens with them during transport.

I suggest that until you move to Georgia, you work with what you have. Choose hardy species that are maybe not your first choice but will allow you to pull through until then. Don't forget that you have made great progress since you started and maybe you have also been ambitious and hard on yourself. I didn't have angels until 4 years in the hobby and no line bred wild ones, no rams either. I know it is hard to resist temptation though if you see all these gorgeous fish, plants and set-ups on this forum :drool:

I started off with goldfish (classic), some albino cories and later some gouramis and serpae tetras. My first plants consisted of ordinary amazon swords, and vallis. I have lost fish for no apparent reasons and still do (like with my panda cories; I don't seem to be able to keep them alive). But every time I learn and little by little I expand. I am still not getting it right with the plants for instance; an area in which you have advanced much quicker.

I believe there is a time and place for everything; if something is not working, it is for a reason. It happens so you learn something from the experience, and as long as you don't learn, it will happen over and over again until you learn the lesson. So, maybe some soul searching is in order to find out what it is you need to learn (not necessarily related to fish keeping btw :hey:).

Good luck, and stay with us! :good:
Thanks for the encouragement Lu. I am doing exactly what you have said and sticking with what I have until I move, I had planned to anyway. The funny thing is that the Rams and angels have been my healthiest fish.

You are right in the soul searching department. I have been very high strung lately in life, and it has been translating everywhere. I am also a perfectionist and work at things until I excel, only this isn't crafts, or sports. This hobby has living beings and I take it much harder. I wouldn't have quit. I shouldn't have even thrown my tantrum today.

I get very frustrated with fishkeeping, so much of it is out of my control, mixed with a little bit of bad luck and too much ambition. I do have my plants :wub: Even as I say that my THIRD order of Alternanthera reinecki has melted into nothingness. The difference is that fish are living things so I feel very badly when something happens to them.

I have been overly paranoid since I restarted these tanks, and I have been seeing obvious signs that something wasn't right with the cories. Becausee I knew I've been paranoid, I was trying to leave it alone. :/ I need to trust myself, be calm, and stop showing everyone what a nutter I am. :p

Thanks for being a friend here, even when you are calling me out {which I appreciate} :) Copper is ordered and I'll get these guys healthy. I won't be adding more fish, which will give me a chance to just take care of these. Very understocked is the way to go!
I'm so sorry to hear :( And I totally see where you are coming from. It can be so frustrating. I don't know if you have seen it, but my sorority has just gone into total doom (15 deaths in a short time) and it isn't my water and I do every single thing to keep my fish alive and happy. And it's so [insert swear word] frustrating when you try and try and do your best and they get ill and / or die. Hope you get a fresh start after the move.
Copper went in yesterday and everyone is looking pretty jumpy. "Eddie", the fry deserting ram, is looking terrible. His coloring is just awful, but I hope he will recover. I would hate to lose one of the pair right after they've begun spawning.

There are about 10-15 fry left, which I feel is an accomplishment for a first spawn in a community. I ran out of brine shrimp eggs. I only had a small container. I'll buy a large tub next time.
Good news on the babies, but shame you have to be so worried now. Crossing everything for a good recovery and hope you can keep them all safe.
Thanks buddy. Hows things in your Betta sorority? I was so sad to read that thread.

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