Fish Fanatic
Hi all,
I have a 3 foot Fluval tank with both and external filter and an internal one. Its been set up now for well over a year and previously I had a two foot tank for about 6 years.
Anyway I need inspiration or idea's. Currently the tank has two pieces of bogwood/drift wood in it with a third having the tannin soaked out as we speak. I also have a divers helmet decoration in it as well. Current tank inhabitants are:
3 Angels, two of which recently attempted to breed, layed eggs etc.
1 Bristlenose catfish (female).
1 upsidedown catfish.
1 zebra snail.
3 bronze corys, one of which I have had for at least 5-6 years (how old do they get, shes outlived everything else?)
Thats it, its looking very empty, most are the survivers down the many years from sholes etc bought over time.
I have 4 anubis plants grown on to bogwood etc. (some have started to go a bit brown on the edges recently).
But its looking bare.
Suggestions regarding plants? (gravel is not to deep perhaps 30mm deep).
Fish? ideally I'd love to have some shrimps but they would be deadmeat, or an applesnail but I fear likewise....
All ideas welcome. Cheers all in advance!
I have a 3 foot Fluval tank with both and external filter and an internal one. Its been set up now for well over a year and previously I had a two foot tank for about 6 years.
Anyway I need inspiration or idea's. Currently the tank has two pieces of bogwood/drift wood in it with a third having the tannin soaked out as we speak. I also have a divers helmet decoration in it as well. Current tank inhabitants are:
3 Angels, two of which recently attempted to breed, layed eggs etc.
1 Bristlenose catfish (female).
1 upsidedown catfish.
1 zebra snail.
3 bronze corys, one of which I have had for at least 5-6 years (how old do they get, shes outlived everything else?)
Thats it, its looking very empty, most are the survivers down the many years from sholes etc bought over time.
I have 4 anubis plants grown on to bogwood etc. (some have started to go a bit brown on the edges recently).
But its looking bare.
Suggestions regarding plants? (gravel is not to deep perhaps 30mm deep).
Fish? ideally I'd love to have some shrimps but they would be deadmeat, or an applesnail but I fear likewise....
All ideas welcome. Cheers all in advance!