Ideas For Fish


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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My betta died unexpectedly the other day. I am now contemplating what fish to get for my 10 gallon (more or less cube shaped) tank.  It is tropical and has amano shrimp and a nerrite snail.  I don't feel like I've had great luck with bettas.  My first died after a week (likely just wasn't in good shape when I got him), the next last about 1 1/2 years (I think) and died of a bacterial issue that I couldn't get control over, and now after nearly a year my third has died of unknown reasons.  I'm a bit frustrated with them dieing so soon as I expected to have a betta for at least 3 years.

So... I am considering maybe getting something different for that tank... or maybe finding a rescue betta to help out.

Things I don't want (livebearers of any sort).  My tank is more of a cube-ish shape so not great for things like tetra.
Can you post the dimensions of your tank, and whether your water is hard or soft, please?

That'll make it much easier for us to suggest some suitable fish for you
My tank measures, 13x13x16 inches.
I have hard water.
My current pH is 6.5ish (that can be transitioned up to 7.4, it is the soil in there changing the pH, I've been using this soil since about the fall)
How about a small group of dwarf emerald or celestial pearl rasboras? Or Endlers?
I know they don't sell celestial pearl rasboras in my area as I considered them in the past and couldn't find anywhere to buy them.  I will read about the dwarf emeralds.  I don't think I want endlers, won't they breed like mad same as guppies?
They don't breed as much as guppies, but you could always just have males anyway
Endlers are very closely related to guppies, and like them, the females are much plainer and larger than the males. Males-only is the way to go with them.
My recommendation is peacock gudgeon, also known as peacock goby. I have a threesome in my 34l, very colourful, very peaceful, they can breed on their own, though they usually eat the fry, and small enough for a 10gal. I am considering getting one or two more for my tank.
Peacock gudgeons could be really nice like TLM suggested.  Or you could look into killifish.  There are lots to choose from in that route and they are very colorful fish.     Or you could get scarlet badis (Dario Dario).  They are a lovely small fish that would work nicely in that size tank. 
I shall look into all of them and learn more.  Whatever I get, I like just having a small number of fish.  I don't at all want to try and stock my tank to capacity.
Good luck prairiesunflower with what ever you choose.
I loved guppys but they say there are good starter fish but I disagree myself as they always seem to get ill.
Finrot, internal parasites, columnaris.
I really love the personality of guppies and the look... but same with me... I got so frustrated with them always catching something and dieing.  I did have a few that lived a good length... but while those very few did soooooo many that I bought and also breed died.  Now I am feeling similar about bettas, mine didn't get sick anything like guppies but something took each one out before their time.
I agree. I was lucky if I got a few guppies to over a year old. Such a shame as they are beautiful fish.
And very active and enjoyable to watch.
Sorry for your loss!
Imho your tank is too small to keep any of those small danios or characins.They are very active swimmers and should be kept in groups of 10+. Moreover if kept alone (meaning only this species, not a single fish) they tend to be very shy and skittish. My favourite in such a tank would be Neoheterandria elegans or Heterandria formosa. Even though they are live bearers they don't reproduce as rapidly and if u have surpluse there is always demand for it.
I can't recall seeing any livebearers in shops near me other than the common ones (guppies, mollies, platys, endlers).

I might end up getting another betta, but I'd like to look into something else. 
Have you thought about any wild species of betta?  There are lots that would work out in a 10 gallon.  I didn't mention them before because I wasn't sure you wanted to go back to bettas. 

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