Fish Crazy
Okay so i have a 300 litre tank, currently stocked with mbuna, its been like that for a few years but ive just not been able to add any decent fish to it as the my only source of wild fish has gone.
Besides that im getting a tad bored of it, i have a few friends already keen on most of my fish so rehoming them wont be an issue.
What i really want to know is what to try next. Im a fairly experienced keeper, looked after fish for 5 years so i'm looking for something a bit more interesting.
Thats not to say mbuna aren't, theyre just not doing it for me.
Id like something with a bit of size to it. A lot of mbuna start pff small from my lfs and they stay that way for a long time.
Something i was curious about was the frontosa.
Similar water parameters, i wouldnt need too rehome my group of synos and theyre a stunning fish.
But is 300 big enough? (4x2x2)
Any other suggestions?
Besides that im getting a tad bored of it, i have a few friends already keen on most of my fish so rehoming them wont be an issue.
What i really want to know is what to try next. Im a fairly experienced keeper, looked after fish for 5 years so i'm looking for something a bit more interesting.
Thats not to say mbuna aren't, theyre just not doing it for me.
Id like something with a bit of size to it. A lot of mbuna start pff small from my lfs and they stay that way for a long time.
Something i was curious about was the frontosa.
Similar water parameters, i wouldnt need too rehome my group of synos and theyre a stunning fish.
But is 300 big enough? (4x2x2)
Any other suggestions?