Idea For Pricing?

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Jan 15, 2012
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I'm considering sellling my two aquariums, simply because I lack the time to take care of them as I should. I really am at a loss of what to ask for them, so I was hoping you all could hep?
The first one is a 4ft, 55 gallon with no scratches/cracks etc. The filter is a fluval 306, around a year old, works perfectly. Substrate is medium sized natural brown gravel, it has 2 large driftwood pieces and several medium sized pieces. Full of live plants, including a huge amazon lace plant. The tank is about... 3 years old? Stock is one large whiptail catfish, one betta, two swordtails, four polka dot loaches and a 2 bamboo shrimp, plus a few odd otos. It comes with a sturdy black stand and canopy, and the canopy has two bulbs attached to it, one is a 39 watt 6500k white and the other a 39 watt blue, plus the ballast, obviously. I'd add pictures, but honestly lack of care is really making it look horrible now, so I'm going to completely overhaul it before I try and sell it. The tank would come with some odds and ends, a huge bottle of flourish, fish food, etc. Any ideas? I know it's hard without seeing it, sorry about that.
The second tank is a Fluval Spec V, in black, just about a year old. Substrate is black eco-complete, a piece of driftwood and live plants. Perfect condition, nothing wrong with it. Stock is one male bette (one of those fancy ones from aquabid, although not expecting my money back for him!), and a zebra snail. It's a lovely little tank, I've really loved it. Much better then the Fluval Chi I had before it. I'm also going to do some spurcing up with this little one two, simply because most of my plants are uprooted! It was around 100 new if I remember correctly. The betta is the one in my profile picture. Also comes with a lid.
I hate to sell my tanks, but I honestly need the money and I know I'm neglecting them somewhat. I'm going to lose money on them, but I have really enjoyed it and I've learned a lot. If location matters at all, I'm in Texas.
I got my 55 gallon and 29 gallon with everything including stands for $100. Minus fish... but that was a super steal!!! A 55 gallon at Walmart costs $150. And that doesn't include decorations.
lrhodes said:
I got my 55 gallon and 29 gallon with everything including stands for $100. Minus fish... but that was a super steal!!! A 55 gallon at Walmart costs $150. And that doesn't include decorations.
Thank you for the info! Thats an awesome deal, my stand alone was 100!
I know! I was so excited! They wanted $100 for the 55 and $50 for the 29. But I told the woman I wanted both but couldn't afford both and she was like can you do $100 for both, well heck yes I can! Lol. They are just basic set ups... but I don't care!

Maybe you could look on like craigslist around your area and see what people are selling them for.

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