Id My Hitchiker


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2010
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Bought four angels for the 55gal this week and someone slipped into my bag, he is a real character but ive not a clue what he is.
Ive figured he is some kind of catfish, but not really sure what.




These are the best i can get without forcing him out of the log cave
Looks like an upside-down catfish or something similar. How did they miss him in the bag?
Im not entirely sure how they missed him myself 
He doesn't swim upside down they did have those next to the angel fish tank?
Ill try and capture him for a clearer photo. im due a WC anyhow 
My other guess would be a loach. A better photo will help but I think I'm going to stick with my firt thought. Especially since the upside-downs were right by the angels.
I agree with Chad; it's almost certainly a synodontis of some kind or other; a lot of them, even if not technically an 'upside-down catfish' (and there are a few differing species traded under that common name) are quite happy upside down.
Had to chase the wee sucker round the tank before he settled in the corner for pictures 



here he is next to my tiny Cory whos only about the size of a tenpence piece. 
I'm guessing it still have juvenile markings which makes it harder to identify conclusively. My guess is Synodontis ornatipinnis but that's a guess. I feel confident it is an upside-down catfish though. Call the store and see if they know what species they keep.
Body seems not round enough for an upsidedown, at least all the ones I've seen, I've also never seen them have two different patterns from the head to body.  
Try posting those pictures over at PlanetCatfish, it wont take long to get an aswer
Thanks guys, i doubt the fish shop know what species they stock theyre pretty useless. ill post over at Plan cat now xxx
phantomlink said:
Body seems not round enough for an upsidedown, at least all the ones I've seen, I've also never seen them have two different patterns from the head to body.  
Try posting those pictures over at PlanetCatfish, it wont take long to get an aswer
I suppose it could be a small pleco but since the tank next to the one where she got her angels was stocked with upside-downs that seems the likely choice.
nah I dunno what its called but the part of the barbels that look like roots I've only ever seen on Syno catfish
hmmm interesting one!! Its 100% a Syno of some kind but not sure which one. MartinS or Nobody of the Goat are your best bet here :) Both are very good at these kind of fish.
phantomlink said:
nah I dunno what its called but the part of the barbels that look like roots I've only ever seen on Syno catfish
Yup, I agree. My guess above was Synodontis ornatipinnis.
I think, Chad, maybe the confusion was more that in the UK... "upside down catfish" tends to be the name dumped on not just the true upside down catfish but also synodontis eupterus and the hybrids of said species. Doesn't tend to be used so much for other species of synodontis that just get lumped as 'Synos' as they spend considerably less time upside down :)
Still find it amusing to see them labled up as 'Feather Finned Squeakers'. When I first started doing orders years ago and had no idea of fish names, I was determined to order some just for the name!! Thank goodness I didn't order them as that names wasn't in my books (didn't have the tinternet!). Not like the Friedrichstali Cichlids <.< now that was a mistake. Glad I left after ordering those ones haha (12 adults LOL).
Ah...that's probably true as common names are different all over. Upside-down catfish is pretty much used for the entire group.

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