Ick treatment


New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Just curious, I have been treating my tank for two days now, and wondering how long to keep treating.
Hi...2-3 days after you see the last spot disappear if you are running your tank temp at about 82-85 degrees following the usual treatment stesp for ich. SH
I'm on my 4th week of treating my 210 litre tank :/ Spots aren't as bad as before but they are playing tag and passing it on to eachother. Its costing me a fortune in Interpet no. 6 medicine :crazy:

I will treat for at least a week after spots are not seen when I eventually get to that point
Hi...it should be, however, that doesn't mean that sometimes you can have persistence and need to retreat. Texts say that many fish develop a 'resistance' to the ich organism after one infection. Good luck. SH

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