Camallanus worm still hanging on guppy after Levisamole treatment?


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello, I just treated with Expel-P because I noticed camallanus worms on my guppy. Wondering if it is normal for a worm to be still inside the guppy after 2 days of treatment?
Dead but hasn’t been pooped out yet? I don’t know.
Imagine his embarrassment if It's still there when the relatives come over for Christmas?

I've heard of this before, and the consensus was that it was a result of a very bad infestation taking very long to move through a damaged gut. But that was opinions, and nothing proven.
Not normal but if the worm can be seen hanging out the fish's butt and has been there for 2 days, it's probably dead of paralyzed.

Make sure you feed the fish well for a month after treatment to help them recover from the lack of blood.

Make sure you od a follow up treat each week for 3-4 weeks.

Make sure there is no carbon in the filter.

Make sure you treat the tank for the correct amount of water.
Not normal but if the worm can be seen hanging out the fish's butt and has been there for 2 days, it's probably dead of paralyzed.

Make sure you feed the fish well for a month after treatment to help them recover from the lack of blood.

Make sure you od a follow up treat each week for 3-4 weeks.

Make sure there is no carbon in the filter.

Make sure you treat the tank for the correct amount of water.
Imagine his embarrassment if It's still there when the relatives come over for Christmas?

I've heard of this before, and the consensus was that it was a result of a very bad infestation taking very long to move through a damaged gut. But that was opinions, and nothing proven.
yes, the worm does not seem to be red or even moving like before.
I'll continue feeding good stuff, and repeat after a week.
Does lettuce do any good to fish's digestive system as Fiber? will it help her pass the big worm?
I used to blanch romaine so they could eat it. Not after parasites, but in general.
I used to blanch romaine so they could eat it. Not after parasites, but in general.
i wash it thoroughly and crush it into tiny caterpillar like bits and feed to guppies outdoors, when my homegrown lettuce was in season.
Any food should help.
is there any specific types of food that will help more?
Anything that helps digestion. Tinned peas is the universal fish laxative. squash them to remove the peel.
Did you have the chance to try the tinned peas ? And did it help ?
Did you have the chance to try the tinned peas ? And did it help ?
I Didn't have the chance to try them since we don't have any left, but lettuce and other vegetables help!
I know peas can be a good laxative though, used it a long time ago on constipated fish.
Anyway, the parasites are all gone and the fish in question just had 2 or more babies :)

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