I Know It's Asked Often And Your All Probably Bored Of Answering


New Member
May 26, 2011
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Hey guys I know this question probably gets asked all the time and you may well be fed up of answering but was just wondering if I have enough room for 1 black angel.

The tank dimensions are:

Length: 36 inches
Height: 14 inches
Width: 12 inches

Fish in the tank are currently:

5 harlequin Rasbora
2 koi angelfish
3 corydoras agassizii
1 very very passive female kribensis (gets along fine with the angels)
And a couple of zebra snails.

Any thoughts and views welcome :) thanks
2 angels already. Yu dont have room. They will fight, especially in a tank that small.
It's true what they say about 2 being company and 3 being a crowd. I've learnt this the hard way in a bigger tank...
crazyforcordoras- are you saying that 2 is too many for my tank?

hensonc4098 - oh really :-( sorry to hear that, we're the other 2 a breeding pair?
I'd be more concerned about insufficient height in this tank for Angelfish, they are said to need at least 45cm of water depth to accomodate their deep bodies and prevent the loss of their classic triangular shape.
No, the others weren't a breeding pair. They were just happy campers. The 3rd grew up and then started being an #14### to the others. Managed to get it out the tank, but not before it managed to injure both one of the angels and a harlequin. It's now residing with silver dollars. That'll teach it. :lol:

Edit: Injured harlequin died. Not too bothered, but it's a lesson to learn about angels.
I have two larger (7-8" in height and about 4 years old) and one small (3") Angel's in a 180l at the moment. I would say that was the limit as they do scrap every now and then but don't have much room to get away from each other.

I have just upgraded to a 260l though and am awaiting cycle completion before there 1metre trip lol.

How big are the ones you have in there at the moment?

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