I Got My Turtle!

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Fish Addict
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
south wales uk
im back! havent been on this site for a long long time.
but im back anyway.
AND i have news. i bought my first turtle. a yellow bellied slider AND a saw back turtle.
they are mucho cool. il try and get some pics in.
cool, ive always liked turtles, ive caught a 7lb snapping turtle when i was fishing :crazy:
can't wait to see yours :)

WALES !!!! :lol:
That's great man :D Turtles are awesome you'll have lots of fun with them I myself have had my turtle for a little over a year now it's a Red Eared Slider (RES) it's very similar to the Yellow Belly Slider (YBS). But I hope you've done your research because turtles arn't the easiest pets to keep. This is a great site to ask questions on your turtles and all that jazz: www.turtletimes.com/forums It's is a lot like this site. My username is the same on that site if you want to talk to on it BTW ;) Anyways, enjoy your turtle!!!
Long time no c dany.......Havent seen u in msn for a veri long time....

U guys are lucky in europe and america....In singapore we onli can keep red ear sliders.....
Hey, what's wrong with Red Eared Sliders? :D Nah, just kidding ;) Yeah other turts are cool too where are you from?
Hi this is fascinating stuff how does one go about setting up a home for a turtle what is required for their keep and how difficult is this i have a tank going spare at the mo and was debating what to put in but this was something that caught my eye
Okay turtles need many things and are no easy pet. Don't go off buying one without doing research first.

Oh, and never trust what someone at a petstore tells you about them (same for other animals ..... lol)

The rule for tank size is 10 gallons of water for every inch of the turtles carapace (top shell) this is called Straight Carapace Length (SCL). So if your turtle is 2 inches long it needs ATLEAST 20 gallons of water. But if you have a 1 inch turtle I would start off with atleast 20 gallons too as they grow quickly and would grow out of a 10 gallon very fast.

Next, they need a basking area (dry piece of land above the water which they can
use to take their entire body out of the water). They use this basking area to dry themselves. Above this basking platform you must have a heat lamp atleast 7-9 inches away from the platform. I believe the basking area should be about 15-20 degrees higher than the water. Or about 85-90 F. All reptiles need a heat source because they are cold blooded. On the subject of lighting, they also need a UVB light. This UVB light is a special light which they NEED to help keep them healthy and build a strong shell. Without this they mayy suffer many diseses including calcium deficiency and bone deteriation. So this is a must. I would recommend the REPTISUN 5.0 or 10.0 from ZooMed.

As for filtration, they are messy eaters and big poopers. It is said to use a filter that is double the tank size recommendation. For example I have my RES turtle in a 55 gallon tank with an AquaClear 110 which is for 110 gallon tanks and filters 500 gph. For a more complete guide to RES or the average turtle check out the guide I wrote on this link: RESGuy's Guide to RES

:D I hope you have all this Dany .... you should check this out too man. :good:
Dont worry dude. i do my research. im writing a book as e speak.
yes. pics you all wanted? well....
i coudnt get any...
so i got a video!turtles
thats absolutely fascinating dude thanks i have couple of tanks empty at the mo will see if i can adjust one specially are they best kept alone or do they do better in pairs
well firsty it depends on your tank size. the yellow bellied turtle shown on this vid can grow up to 13" if its female. the brownish colour one up to about 7" if famale. 5" if male.
secondly it depends where you are located. there are some laws prohibiting the sale of certian species of turles as mentioned above.
you will need a large tank (10gallons per 1") of turtle. secondly. very heavy filtration. or requwnt water changes.
you will also need a basking spot in which the turtle can get compleatly out of the water to bask under a specific UVA emmiting repltile light (available at most pet stores) and a basking lamp over the basking area.
thebasking area can be as imple as a piece of cork wood that is sectioncupped to the side etc.
i do not use a basking lamp as the basking area is located close enough to the UVA lighting that it emmits adiquate heat. (85 - 90*F)
you may need a heating in your tank, depending on species.
if you are located in the UK or somewhere warmer ( which narrws it down to anywhere on the globe)
turtles like sliders can be kept outdoors all year round but wll need to hibernate.
if you do not what an indoor turtle i suggest a male mississippi map turtle or a male false map turtle. (females grow larger) which will be able to survie in a 40 gallon + tank. a musk turtle is another option which stay small at about 4" for each sex. more information on this site.
turtle page
Okay I see you know your stuff then :D Just making sure for the better of the turtle :) Yeah, if you are interested ATP is a great site aswell as TT which is the link I gave. And i fyou want a small turtle and you have the money to spare I beleive you could but a Spotted Turtle they regurlarly go for about $100 - $150 but stay quite small about 5". And yes female turtles are always larger than the males. For example male RES can grow to about 10" and the females to about 12". Well I was going to say something else but I forgot :rolleyes:
ah. :stupid:
you have any pics of your red ear?
im writing a book ( on fish ) but still in decision weather i shall include aquatic reptiles and amphibians etc.
it would be nice to see some pics anyhoo.
how big is your res?
spotted turtles are an option but as mentioned can be quite expensive.
musk turles are an option or a false map / mississippi map turtle are others which stay small.
sliders can be kept out doors in the uk so are another option. and are quite cheap too. i payed £15 for mine! and £15 for the saw back (flase map)

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