I Am So Torn.......


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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I have been offered a German Shepherd puppy, that is registered and it will be stunning i am more than sure (all the breeders pups are!!)
I a, not sure if i am over the loss of LouLou, my german shep pup i lost at 6 months old to king brown snake bite.....that absolutely tore me up, and i just dont know if i could go through anything like that again!
I do need to ask the real estate if another dog would be permitted, but geez, i want to get it, but yeah, also i am scared!
I had to put my last dog down because he developed a brain disorder and started attacking people it was very saddening for me and really hard to deal with. But I adopted a little puppy about two years ago and I'm really glad i did he's a great dog and love him so much. Getting a new dog doesn't make it any less hard to deal with the loss of previous dogs but it's good to move on enough to get a new puppy and have a positive affect on another dogs life. So I say go for it and love the heck out of that new puppy :)
If the real estate will let you have a dog and your in a financial position to take it on, then I would get it. It is always a devestating loss to lose a pet no matter if you had it 6 months or 15 years. But even though you know it will eventually die either by natural old age or your intervention due to poor health, to not get another pet is like swearing off a life partner because losing your first love hurt so much.
A new pet never replaces the lost one, nor does it necessarily take away the pain of the loss, but it does give you a new lot experiences and different lovable qualities.
I have other pets here...I have a female german shep, a Himalayan x cat, a Ragdoll cat (sadly this guy is not well and not improving, he will be loved and cared for until the time he is uncomfortable and the time is here) and a Moggy that belongs to my sons girlfriend. Also have a rat, ratsitting for my son but i think i have won it lol, mice, a cockateil and of course the tanks.
I'll contact the real estate and see what they have to say and go from there
I think what is holding me back is that LouLou's death was so traumatic, it really hit me hard. Hard to explain. I have no doubt i would love any new baby that came here, no doubt what so ever...just yeah, something is sitting there niggling at me...
The pups arent due until Sept anyway, and then it will be i'd say 12-16 weeks after that before the pup came here, so its not something i need to rush into
Wow, your house is full of great pets! my friend has a cockatiel, its quite loud, even when i was swimming at his house! But you should totally go for the new dog, my house recently got a new Corgi pup. 
Yeah it is a bit of a zoo here lol
Love my critters
Lol, same here! I have a 1 year old german shepard, whos crazy nuts! 3 cats, a dwarf hamster, horses all around me and the fish!
I know this sounds awful but I always get a new pet when one sadly dies, not straight away, I leave it about 6 months umming and armming if I should.... but I have never regretted it.
Everyone has their own personalities and they arent here to replace the ones that have gone, but like Ive said, im always glad in the end that I got them.... the German shepard too at a push!!!
Always a dilemma when it comes to new pets after a loss.
I have been through this personally and its always sad, but i hold onto the memories and the photos, and get a replacement if the opportunity arises, kinda like fate if you like.
Good luck with your new GS pup, lovely dogs and easy to train :)
Hi, Alasse.

I know I'm new here, but I wanted to chime in. First off, I am sorry for your loss of your LouLou. And to a snake bite, none-the-less. That must've been rough.

That said, only you will know when you are ready for a new dog. I know no-one can replace your LouLou, and you should never think of it like that. But when you are ready, or think you might be, forming a bond with a new dog can be therapeutic and help you heal. But only you will know when you are ready to take that step, no one else can tell you when the time is right. I see you're trying to plan accordingly, though, since you are dealing with a breeder and you have to go by their schedule. This is both good and bad. Good because it gives you more time to deal before the puppies are ready to be homed. Bad because what if you commit to this and when the time comes you're still not ready, or have changed your mind? While in mourning is probably not the best time to make plans. Just my 2 cents. If I were you, I'd wait to commit until I was sure I was ready.
Sorry for your loss.
If this helps a few years ago I lost my Lab, and at Christmas my wife lost her chinchilla persian. We both said never again at the time. For both of us the changed after a few months to "well maybe" and a few months later to "Yes".

No regrets

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