Hujeta Gar with tetras and barbs

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Alright well the mudskippers are eating well, i fed them these earthworms i bought from a petstore and tested mealworms, they love them and swallow them whole, also with the mealworm it carried it into the water and tried to drown it i guess, then ate it.
I'm gonna feed them this frozen crustacean mix for fish or bloodworms as i saw they eat small crustaceans and insects online.
Well i tried a dry food now, freeze dried gammarus shrimp, they go crazy after it and seem to love it, same thing i feed my baby turtles, would this work or should i go with frozen crustaceans instead?

Well i tried a dry food now, freeze dried gammarus shrimp, they go crazy after it and seem to love it, same thing i feed my baby turtles, would this work or should i go with frozen crustaceans instead?

Avoid freeze dried foods. They will swell up inside the fish, causing severe intestinal problems. You could water soak them first, but given the nutritious alternatives in frozen foods I would not bother. I will not use any freeze-dried foods.

I think I mentioned frozen squid earlier, this is an ideal food as it is fresh frozen, chunky, and very nutritious. My mudskippers used to eat small chunks of squid from my fingertip. This could be a "staple" food with the worms and shrimp as alternating treats.
Alright i'll keep feeding the turtles with it then instead.

Make sure it is thoroughly soaked to be water-logged wet. Same will occur with turtles eating freeze-dried foods. Best way is to put the food in warm water and squeeze out all the air before feeding.

I had turtles back in the 1980's, and fed them the same fare as I've recommended for the mudskippers. They loved that frozen squid too. I had one turtle that was so responsive that when I opened the tank cover he would get in the water and looking up splash his four feet. I would pick him up and hold him and he snatched the chunk of squid from my fingertip on my other hand, and then just waited with his legs sticking out until I put him back down in the water, then he would chew and swallow the chunk. Then the splashing again until I picked him up and we repeated the motions. Turtles must be submerged to swallow. I'm not sure how this little routine got started but we went through it every feeding. I had to give him away when I moved cities as I could not have pets in the new apartment; last I heard he was still alive and thriving, but that was a decade ago.
yeah, i have 2 baby Mississippi map turtles with one baby golden thread Chinese turtle.
Also have 4 big ones in my basement in a big plastic tub, with a giant basking spot with a lamb there that they can bask in, but in summer they go out in the big pond which i just took them in from, they seem to eat a whole lot out there but i have no clue what, when i bring them in i notice they're a noticeable amount chonkier than when i let them in the pond.

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