How To Set Up New Tank With Old Filter Media!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Scarborough, UK
Hello oh great knowledgeable ones,
I'm going to be setting up a new heavily planted tank next week and want to do it right, without harming the fish.
We're moving to a new property, so I treated my self to a nice new tank, It's about 260 liters, I have a few other tanks and I've been reading about cycling a new tank but I've kind of lost my way a bit really!  I was thinking of using the filter media out of one of my other tanks but I'm not sure that will be enough as that tanks only about 60 liters!
Also is it a good idea to plant the tank up before I start the cycling or is it better done afterwards!
Oh the confusion.........................
The thing I'd be concerned with is if the filter media your using will fit in the new filter. I actually had bigger pieces of ceramic in my smaller tank than the larger external filter would fit! If you can fit in the pieces, then put a few good ones in and start the cycle with some NH3. Without fish, the bacteria have no food otherwise! As well while you're transferring to the new home, make sure to keep the material wet and fed or else it could die out on you. Using old media really kickstarts the cycle. I only had slight NH3 for a few days and then it was complete with only a few of my old media pieces (no more would fit).
As per plants, they too will enjoy the NH3. It's your choice to start now or after the cycle is complete.
What kind of substrate will the new tank have? Planting the tank will actually help with the cycling. Putting some of the old media will definitely help. But as said, you should continue on with a fishless cycle by adding ammonia, until the tank is fully cycled. 
I have extra media in all my tanks just for the purpose of starting up another tank. If I need a quarantine tank, I can get it up and running immediately because of the extra filter media I have stowed in my other filters. Can you possibly steal a little media from all your other tanks to be enough to take care of the 260?
DreamertK said:
The thing I'd be concerned with is if the filter media your using will fit in the new filter. I actually had bigger pieces of ceramic in my smaller tank than the larger external filter would fit! If you can fit in the pieces, then put a few good ones in and start the cycle with some NH3. Without fish, the bacteria have no food otherwise! As well while you're transferring to the new home, make sure to keep the material wet and fed or else it could die out on you. Using old media really kickstarts the cycle. I only had slight NH3 for a few days and then it was complete with only a few of my old media pieces (no more would fit).
As per plants, they too will enjoy the NH3. It's your choice to start now or after the cycle is complete.
The filter in the old tank hasn't got that much media in it as it's only a "Fluval U2", but maybe a could put some more in as there's a bit of room.  The new filters a "AquaManta EFX 1500’U’ External Filter" so they'll be more than enough room in that for as much as I can find!!
I take it that NH3 is Ammonia!

This Old Spouse said:
What kind of substrate will the new tank have? Planting the tank will actually help with the cycling. Putting some of the old media will definitely help. But as said, you should continue on with a fishless cycle by adding ammonia, until the tank is fully cycled. 
I have extra media in all my tanks just for the purpose of starting up another tank. If I need a quarantine tank, I can get it up and running immediately because of the extra filter media I have stowed in my other filters. Can you possibly steal a little media from all your other tanks to be enough to take care of the 260?
I'm using "JBL Manado" for the substrate, I've used it in my shrimp tank and I like the colour.
I never thought about stealing media from the other tanks!
  But yes I could do that.  I could also get some of the media from the new filter and fill up the little gap in the Fluvan U2 so that would be a little bit more to.
I think I'm almost getting a plan together here folks!!!!! 

I might even have to do a full on write up of the whole project as I'm doing it with pictures!!!!
Well I've got my new 260 to set up and a little 21 liter nano tank to make beautiful and the Misses has a new 40 odd liter cube to set up and a 60 odd liter hexagonal tank that needs a revamp!!!  So there's a few good journal projects for the forum members to laugh at!!

Yeah, we love journals! 

Especially if they have loads of photos! 
I'll see what I can do then!

Is there any specific place on the forum for journals?  Or is there a specific way do to them?  Is there anything I need to know about doing them?
Lets live the fishy dream.
I'll be updating mine with a fair few photos when my new plants come in the next few days :)

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