How To Keep Orange Spotted Filefish


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2014
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these fish are extremely colorfull and i really want one when i grow into keeping saltwater fish. i did research and it says that they need to be feed a diet of coral polyps i wanna know how do i feed them coral polyps? how do i maintain a coral polyp ecosystem type thing and basically how to keep them in general.
There are only a few cases that I personally, and many much more advanced hobbyists have seen, in which a blue spotted filefish was kept alive and healthy longterm.   They do best in the public aquarium setting, with HUGE amounts of acropora colonies.   They seem to be very very picky at what sps specimens they will eat, and in home aquaria generally will kill acro colonies from disturbing them too much, and likewise destroy their food source and starve.   20,000 gallon habitats with endless options of sps colonies will keep these guys alive and well, a home tank will not support them long term unless you keep buying tons of new fresh acro colonies to cycle into the tank when the polyps stop extending on the last colonies.
ech0o said:
There are only a few cases that I personally, and many much more advanced hobbyists have seen, in which a blue spotted filefish was kept alive and healthy longterm.   They do best in the public aquarium setting, with HUGE amounts of acropora colonies.   They seem to be very very picky at what sps specimens they will eat, and in home aquaria generally will kill acro colonies from disturbing them too much, and likewise destroy their food source and starve.   20,000 gallon habitats with endless options of sps colonies will keep these guys alive and well, a home tank will not support them long term unless you keep buying tons of new fresh acro colonies to cycle into the tank when the polyps stop extending on the last colonies.
from what you are telling me they are really hard to maintain and it will cost a lot of money to pull it off? i dont think ill be able to care for it then 
  but still theres tons of other filefish out there! 
lol unfortunately yea, they are considered one of the hardest fish in the industry!   yep tons of other beautiful fish in the hobby, although darn that filefish is gorgeous!!!!

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