I've transferred ramirezi fry to a plastic box of methylene blue water to cure the ich. Though I know that Ich is only vulnerable when detached from the fish. But these are fry and must thus be more sensitive, so how long would you advise I leave them in the water? My main concern is that after transferring them back to tank water in a few hours the fry will be in unmedicated water and the ich will continue to spread. How do I prevent this?
The water currerntly looks blue but only a tinge, not dark, it's clear. Indicating hopefully that I haven't added too much.
Thanks! Please help me help these babies! They've lost 15 brothers/sisters already!
The water currerntly looks blue but only a tinge, not dark, it's clear. Indicating hopefully that I haven't added too much.
Thanks! Please help me help these babies! They've lost 15 brothers/sisters already!