How To Create Large Bubbles


Mostly New Member
Mar 18, 2014
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This is a short question, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. It's easy to use air stones and the like to produce a fine stream of bubbles from your air pump. But how can you set it up to produce a slower release of much larger bubbles?
Something like the bubbles in this video: Although ideally, slower release. DIY options are more than welcome

I found if you just use a air tube without a stone is creates larger bubbles, but that might just be my tubes.
LyraGuppi said:
I found if you just use a air tube without a stone is creates larger bubbles, but that might just be my tubes.
+1 here.
Hate to use my gif here but do you see the bubbles in the background? Thats with just the tube, its connected to a sponge filter but achieves same affect on its own, will need to be weighted down with something though, so maybe some DIY is needed.
Superglue a rock to the airline and then shove it under the substrate, you can use binder clips along the tubing to create a slower stream. :)
Thank you for your replies, I figured that just the lone tube might be the best option (I haven't actually ordered an air pump yet).
sawickib said:
I found if you just use a air tube without a stone is creates larger bubbles, but that might just be my tubes.
+1 here.
Hate to use my gif here but do you see the bubbles in the background? Thats with just the tube, its connected to a sponge filter but achieves same affect on its own, will need to be weighted down with something though, so maybe some DIY is needed.

Very helpful, what is the flow rate of that pump?
Actually not sure, its a aqua culture air pump.

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