How Much Work Is Breeding?

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Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I am looking for the perfect female for my Big ear betta. I want to breed and work on the Big ear line only. It's hard to find American raised and bred big ears. Most are imported.

If I did not have 5 other tanks I would be all about breeding but I have other fish. How much time a week do you spend on raising fry? Last time I raised Cory cat fry it was hard but I was new to it.
It takes a good bit of time.  For your breeding pair -- you need to condtion them for at least 2 weeks with high protien foods preferably live or frozen.  They need to be in separate tanks but the ability to see each other a little while each day is best (place the two tanks next to each other with something blocking the view into the neighboring tank that can be removed for a while when needed). 
The spawning tank should be around a 10 gallon tank 1/3 filled with one or two plants, a heater, and something to help the male with his nest. (normally a IAL leaf or half a styrophoam cup)  The male can be conditioned in the spawning tank.  After the pair have been conditioned, you place the female in the spawning tank via some sort of clear container so they can see each other. The male should flare and show off for her and build a bubblenest. The female should show vertical bars (stripes) and "dance" head down submissively when the male is near.  Once these signs are seen, you can release the female.  Close observation should be used until spawning happens to ensure that neither one is being too aggressive to the other.  Nipping and chasing are normal but true aggression is not and will result in death of one of the individuals if the female is not removed.  Once they are done spawning, the female is removed and male left to tend the eggs until they are free swimming which normally takes about 3 days.  Once they are free swimming, the male needs to be removed.  
The fry require live food that is incredibly small.  Microworms are a great started food and then within a week followed by baby brine shrimp.  The fry need to be fed  around 3 times a day and the water kept very clean.  Suctioning of the bottom of the tank with either a bit of airline or a turkey baster is a normal method.  Adding a sponge filter after about a week or two and slowly raising the water level until the tank is full is next.   Water changes of around 50% a day or more is necessary to keep the fry growing.  Care should be made that the water temp is as close to the original temp as possible.  At around 6 wks old dry foods can be introduced but are not always taken.
Before you breed you need to aquire some things: a 10 gallon spawning/growout tank.  Jars or containers of around 1g ea for jarring the juvies at around 2 months old as they start to show M/F differences -- be aware that most spawns are at least 100 fry or more (could actually be upwards of 500). 
One last thing -- the elephant/big ear gene is recessive so a good majority of your fry from the first generation probably won't even show the big pectoral fins.  :)  Hope this helped some.  :)
Wildbetta that is a great overview, why not consider writing a Topic on breeding Bettas?  As this is often asked and then it can hopefully be pinned and we can link to it 
 Out of interest how many spawns have you raised?  Hopefully I will find the time to start soon.
The conditioning will be a bit harder then the other fish i have bred. I have live black worms to feed the parents along with frozen blood worms. I am going to buy micro worms for the fry. Live food seems like the only way to go for fry. I want to leave the male in a bit longer to let him cull the weak like they would in the wild. Daddy knows best.

I have a 10gal and a 36 gal grow out tank. I will need to get jars . I have a spong filter but need more heaters my extras broke.

My fish are young will the age effect how well the breeding goes? I know young females don't have as many eggs.

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