How Much For A Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid?


Fish Addict
Apr 24, 2012
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Normally how much is it for a Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid?
Not Double Red, or Triple Red or anything like that, just for a bog standard, normal fish.

TekFish :good:
I saw a double full red or something for like 69 dollars on, are they rare in America or something?

TekFish :good:
I couldn't find any in the LFS around here, but you can buy a pair off Aquabids for $20. Shipping is expensive though.
I'm not sure why they are so expensive on liveaquaria, the prices for the other fish seem much more realistic.

EDIT: Typo
Hmmm...stupid con-artist...

Anyway, I've decided on a nice pair of A. Hongsloi that are in REALLY good condition.

TekFish :good:
Apistos and Rams were not common in the LFS chains in my area of America the past few years. But recently, Petsmart has started stocking German Blues, Bolivian Rams and Double Red Apistos - my jaw dropped when I saw them in the tanks. Glad to see them branching out to dwarf cichlids finally. I believe the price on the Apisto was around $14US, and the Rams were maybe $12.
We have two Petsmarts in Greenville, SC. I've been to both in the past few weeks while restocking my tank levels. One only had Germans and Bolivians, but the other had Apistos as well.
I saw the Germans for $7 a piece and bolivians for $5.50 a piece. Haven't seen apistos yet. Hope they get those here!
Standard apisto cacs are usual less than £5 tbh but even the rarer ones like orange flash and white golds etc at xl size are only £12 a pair

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