How Many Tanks Have You Had From The Start?


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2012
Reaction score
ashford, kent
ive had 8 tanks in fav was the 240 but dont have enough room now :sad:

2 x 30 litre , 3 x 60 litre , 1 x 180 litre , 1 x 240 litre , current tank 125 litre
Ive only had 2 1x25litre for my guppy fry (which is really really old). 1x240 litre.
I've only had the one so far, though looking to add a small shrimp tank for my desk in the next few weeks.
I have had a 30L, a 40L, 3 x 60L, a 130L, a 180L and a 300L. I have ccurrently got the 30L, 130L and 300L set up.
10 gallon in college '97
20 gallon 2000
35 gallon hex '01
46 gallon bowfront 2004 - 2007
10 gallon nano reef 2004 - 2005
29 gallon 2007
55 gallon malawi cichlids 2007
55 gallon saltwater 2010 - 2012, now an angelfish/platy/cory tank; this is the only tank I still have.

So, 8 total and I am officially cured of MTS. I am happy to have a nice tank, running smoothly, that I love!
I've never had more than two, I don't want people to think I've gone crazy with my fish (I tend to go crazy on things :p)
1 x 5 Gal Betta tank
1 X 30 Gal Live bearer community tank

But I'm hoping to get a bigger tank in future and put the 30 gal in the basement for storage lol
Iv had 1x 40 litre, 1x100 litre, 1x125 litre (still got), 1x180 litre (which I still have) and il be getting either a 350 litre or 450 litre in the next 2 weeks for my tiger Oscar :)
I have had two. A 30l biorb which my parents have and my current 150l 3ft tank.

Looking for my next upgrade so my wife can use this tank :D

I have had two. A 30l biorb which my parents have and my current 150l 3ft tank.

Looking for my next upgrade so my wife can use this tank :D

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