How Do You Know If You Need To Do A Water Change


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Just ask the fish :)

Note: This is Chops a rescue oscar, he is small and hates being on his own, hence the other fish in with him. He is very sociable with the other fish and often lies down on the bottom with the clown loach, its just me he hates lol. His face is squashed up not through stunting as is often the case with oscars, when I was given him to take care of his jaw was broken, he was thin and he had scruded all his fins so much you could see bone(cartelidge). He had an awful habit of jumping for food (I recon this is how his jaw was broken), he was 4" when I got him and he has only maxed out at 9" (bless him). I have had him 2 years now, seems like a lifetime lol

Oh, he is looking well, all things considering :D

Our's swims at me making the 'horrible oscar face' when he sees the hose. I have to keep my hands out of the tank now; he lunges at me
Thanks FM :) he will never win a beauty contest, but he is adorable in his own naughty way. Both my oscars have reached that age where hands are fair game.
You've gotta love Chops XD Such a pain, but I don't think I've ever met another fish with as much personality as him XD
Just ask the fish :)

Note: This is Chops a rescue oscar, he is small and hates being on his own, hence the other fish in with him. He is very sociable with the other fish and often lies down on the bottom with the clown loach, its just me he hates lol. His face is squashed up not through stunting as is often the case with oscars, when I was given him to take care of his jaw was broken, he was thin and he had scruded all his fins so much you could see bone(cartelidge). He had an awful habit of jumping for food (I recon this is how his jaw was broken), he was 4" when I got him and he has only maxed out at 9" (bless him). I have had him 2 years now, seems like a lifetime lol

Lol! What a jib that Oscar was making looks like a right character. I'm due to have my new 450ltr which are going to house Oscars, cannot wait especially after seeing that video

Kinda weird looking big dude isn't he? Cool fish though, wish I could have 1 again.

What was the other fish that swam by in the video? Big cichlid looking fish with blue/green markings on its side? Severum? Rokteil (please excuse my spelling)
For sure Chops is a character alright, you would not believe some of the things he has got up to lol, he is a one of a kind oscar lol.

Gary: Yes the other fish is my female Rotkeil severum, Chops's bestest buddy, he adores her.
Thanks :) she is a beauty. I have had her now just over 4 years, I did have the male and had some stunning fry off them, but I lost the male :(

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