How did you name your pets??????????

i name my pets after ppl i meet on the net like my severums there r (nickel & dolphin) and my plocs r (scottish & raven) as there act like them in some way and my pink lady (betta) is called (charbear )

well my mom name my dog bailey, dont no why.
named my long dead cat tiger cuz he had the markings and colorastion of one
name my long dead bunny oreo cuz he had black spots and white fur
named my also dead gerbil Fuzzy Jr. cuz my nickname is Fuzzy
named my really really long dead gerbil cornstalk(if u say him u would understand) :D
well thats it :flex:

Lady Catherin (cocker spaniel) - my dad named her
Minnie (big black mix) - came with the name
Peanut (chihuahua) - her fur was the color of a peanut
Baby (chihuahua) - no idea
Penny (chihuahua) - her fur was a copper color. I was going to name her Rose because she had a pink spot on her nose, but it didn't stick.
Barkley (papillon) - came with the name


Blue Star (parakeet) - she had blue spots on her cheeks in the shape of shooting stars
John (parakeet) - no idea
Andrew (parakeet) - The middle name of a guy I liked at the time
Fabana (zebra finch) - I'm into African names
Talvi (zebra finch) - his coloring was very unique as he was mostly white. Talvi means something dealing with winter in another language (SO specific, eh?)


Anubis (black cat) - he is solid black and his ears are so big that he reminded me of a jackal the first time I saw him


Hurcimer (pleco) - came with the name
Jethro (tiger pleco) - I like Jethro Tull
Bonzai and Sllor (black tetras) - no idea on Bonzai, but one evening I wrote the word 'rolls' backwards and it just looked and sounded so kool.
Khuli (khuli loach) - khuli is SUCH a cute word! :D
Marilyn Manson (silver dollar) - one of his eyes is a very light color with a very tiny black dot in the middle serving as his pupil. I'm not sure how his eye got like that. His other one is just fine. He resembles Manson because of the eyes.
Sedona (leopard cory) - no idea
Thrash (some kind of cichlid) - he thrashed around a lot in his tank
Sun Shine (black goldfish) - the irony...


Scamper (gerbil) - he scampered in his new cage
Lola (gerbil) - she was the same light tan color as Lola from 'Space Jam'
Kovu (gerbil) - My love for African names shows once again
Simon (rat) - came with the name
Garfunkle (rat) - came with the name
Taka (gerbil) - I really dig African names
Vyvyan (albino hamster) - named after Vyvyan from 'The Young Ones'


Fire Ball (frog) - he was a brick red color dotted with black and dark brown
Zorak (praying mantis) - Space Ghost...
We (by that i mean my husband and i) have a rule in my home, nothing LIVES inside the house unless it has a name. in theroy this is a great idea because it means wild mice, bugs etc cannot live in our house. :rolleyes: anyhow, to live with young children you see how this is a fun thing. every anamial, fish, plant, and yes even the christmas tree had a name. whenever something new comes home, we sit around and talk about what its name should be. sometimes it comes out of the dictionary, sometimes we make it up, or if alot of things come home at once we just name them quick (ie. larry curlly moe) we try not to name anamials "people" names tho, so most of them are made up. and im sorry to say i can name everything in the house is you have the time to sit through it all. BTW, last years chrstmas tree was names "Allie" because she was skinny. (next years will be a boy) :thumbs:
My sealpoint cat is named Chufis because my 2 yr old niece named her that and Im not sure why. She had kittens and we kept them all. The black and white one we named Flaca which means "skinny little girl" in spanish because we are hispanic and she was the runt and was real tiny and skinny even though she was the first born. I named the silver tabby Cassie but i dont know why. I named the black one Kovu because he reminded me of the bad step son of Scar in Lion King 2. I named the other one Tigger because Tigger is my fav character and I dont name my fish. 8)
I named my Two Dogs Trixie,and Punkin. Actually my dad named Trixie,I was 4 years old when we got her. Punkin I thought was a cute name. I named my Pleco Durge after the sepratist commander from Star Wars Clone Wars

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