I've had this issue with my Cherry Barb for a couple of months. It started with her having a small white lump on his side, We went to the local fish shop to ask them what was best and if she needed treatment. They said it was most likely nothing to worry about and as long as the water in the tank is good (I've tested the water quality and all results are good) and no other fish are showing signs of distress, it should heal up, something to do with her slime coat over reacting, i think. We've thought for the past month that there's not much we can do for her and it's too late, as the lump has now become a hole in her side with the lump occupying it. However she moves without distress and seems to eat and act normally, so we've moved her to our quarantine tank for treatment, using melafix. She's now had a week of doses and the lump does seem to have shrunk slightly. Has anyone else experienced a similar symptom? and should i keep treating her now it's been a week?
Sorry the photo is a bit blurry, but she wouldn't stop moving for me. Thanks for any help.
I've had this issue with my Cherry Barb for a couple of months. It started with her having a small white lump on his side, We went to the local fish shop to ask them what was best and if she needed treatment. They said it was most likely nothing to worry about and as long as the water in the tank is good (I've tested the water quality and all results are good) and no other fish are showing signs of distress, it should heal up, something to do with her slime coat over reacting, i think. We've thought for the past month that there's not much we can do for her and it's too late, as the lump has now become a hole in her side with the lump occupying it. However she moves without distress and seems to eat and act normally, so we've moved her to our quarantine tank for treatment, using melafix. She's now had a week of doses and the lump does seem to have shrunk slightly. Has anyone else experienced a similar symptom? and should i keep treating her now it's been a week?
Sorry the photo is a bit blurry, but she wouldn't stop moving for me. Thanks for any help.