Hi My Fishy Friends


New Member
May 22, 2012
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Hi All,

After stumbling across this forum & being a guest the past week I thought I would take the plunge & say hi :good:

I've been on the lookout to have a Tropical set up & being a complete newbie to this I have found this site brilliant. I didn't realise the work that went into it, but can't wait to get started & get the fishless cycle going. I have been looking around for a set up but will hopefully be buying my (soon to be) brother in-laws depending on how it is.

No doubt I will be on here quite a bit in the near future, I haven't got a jar of glue on a lot of things!!

Hope to speak to you soon

Hi and welcome to the forum having. Your in the perfect place for advice. The fact your going to do (or even know about) a fishless cycle, is absolutely the best way to start.

Good luck and hope to read/view some updates on your tank.

Cheers mate. I have been offered a 220litre Juwel tank with a external fluval 305 filter & the ocean rock that is inside it. Depending on price I may pick this up later.

As the tank is currently up & running, will I still need to perform a fishless cycle after I transport it to my house? I live about 40mins away from where it is currently. Just wondering if all the bacteria etc will still be ok if I save the majority of the tank water etc?
That sounds like a pretty sweet set up man! Your filter will be fine then, and of your keeping some water from it, as long as you treat any new water you put in, it should be fine.

I done exactly the same as what your doing. Got a bigger tank with filter from some1, kept as much water ad possible, then added fresh water in and fish went in about an hour or so later once the water had settled a bit, and they were fine.

Just remember to do all your arranging before the fish go in ;) and to make sure to replace some of the media in the filter once its yours. Unless the person has replaced it and you know and trust them, its a good idea to replace it section at a time as it could have been in there for years.

Good luck and keep us posted :)


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