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Jan 22, 2013
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Port talbot South Wales
Hi new to the fishes ill cut to the chase I've brought a flual edge aquarium 23l also got a small heater to go with it about 5 days ago treated the water with tetra easy balance, api quick start, nutria fin cycle and nutria fin aqua + used the tetra 6 in 1 test that shows pH KH GH N02 N03 and Cl2 did the test everything came back normal with the temp reading constant 77/25 went out and brought my first fishes yday did as the shop assistant said leave in bag in water for 10 15 mins popped them in 6 neon tetras and 2 Bala sharks woke up this morning fed the fish a small pinch of flakes went to work I've come home from work to find 1 neon missing on further inspection it looks like its jumped out and got stuck on the top of the tank not my biggest consern but the water is very very milky in colour any help would be much appreciated oh and what would you say the max amount of fish would be to this size tank thanks Wayne
Hi and welcome, Ive been keeping fish on and off for several years, I'm no expert but before anyone else says it I think you would need to have your water tested unless you was planning on doing a "fish-in" cycle which is harmful to the fish.....a fishless cycle would take around 2 months for the tank to be safe to home any fish. Using the quick start would certainly help alot along with the other products but i would personally give it another week or 2 and check the ammonia, nitrite and nitrates again....also the recommended test kit by most people is the API Master kit usually around £20 online (£33 from pets at home) ive heard alot of in-accurate reports on the tetra 6 in 1...if you take a look through the forum you will find loads about tank cycling.
apologies for the punctuation and sorry i couldnt be of more help with the jumping tetra and milky water. good luck
Wayne86 said:
Hi new to the fishes ill cut to the chase I've brought a flual edge aquarium 23l also got a small heater to go with it about 5 days ago treated the water with tetra easy balance, api quick start, nutria fin cycle and nutria fin aqua + used the tetra 6 in 1 test that shows pH KH GH N02 N03 and Cl2 did the test everything came back normal with the temp reading constant 77/25 went out and brought my first fishes yday did as the shop assistant said leave in bag in water for 10 15 mins popped them in 6 neon tetras and 2 Bala sharks woke up this morning fed the fish a small pinch of flakes went to work I've come home from work to find 1 neon missing on further inspection it looks like its jumped out and got stuck on the top of the tank not my biggest consern but the water is very very milky in colour any help would be much appreciated oh and what would you say the max amount of fish would be to this size tank thanks Wayne
Hi welcome to the forum and the hobby. Unfortunately it sounds like your off to a very bad start, the way you have started the tank is not really safe to add fish. Its a bit gross but this is the truth - fish live in their toilet and this creates a chemical in the tank called ammonia which is highly toxic to fish (and a lot of other things) and in a fish tank the filter is a home to bacteria to process this to nitrite which is still harmful but then there is an other species of bacteria that turns the nitrite into nitrate which is reasonably harmless. This occurs in nature as well with this bacteria occuring in freshwater all over the world so that lakes and rivers can sustain life.

By adding fish straight in your adding fish poop and in turn ammonia before you have any bacteria in your filter so this is a pretty bad situation to be in but it is a situation lets say 80% of people get into with their first tank - I know I did.

This is the beginners resource section

Have a read of the articles in there particularly the nitrogen cycle and the fish in cycle which will help you understand more what I covered above.

Next problem - the Bala Sharks... http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/balantiocheilos-melanopterus/ thats a fish that will grow to a massive size and its in just about the smallest tank available. While the store should never ever have sold it to you lesson number two for you right now is research your fish before you buy them. Unfortunately some shops will sell fish simply to sell them others will sell them through ignorance or lack of knowledge or simply in some large shops the person selling does not usually work on the fish section... You need to be prepared with knowledge when you go to the shop to avoid this situation. Again this is a situation a lot of people with their first tank get into - again happened to me when I started and it happens now and again - fish keeping is sometimes an impulsive hobby - ie your in a shop see something want it get it - and the temptation never goes lol.

First of all lets get you going with some kind of maintenance regieme in the tank to help you save as many fish in there as possible - simply put its daily water changes. Luckily this is just 23 liters so not too hard in a bigger tank this can be a night mare but I think this is manageable.

As for future stocking Your Neons are an okay fish for this tank but in this size tank the best idea is to go for tiny tiny fish like galaxy rasbora or ember tetras. Cherry Shrimp are always a good inhabitant for this tank and as a centre piece 2 male Platies are a good option.

Hope thats helped
The shop in question is pets at home I forgot to mention I brought a bubble bar today and added that as I thought the more bubbles the more oxygen that's better for fish right? I also did a 15% water change this evening and added a bit of aqua plus to the tap water would I need to do a bigger percentage water change tomorrow? Thanks for the quick replays as well
Try to take the bala sharks back to the shop while it's still early days, they ought to take them back since you have been mis-sold, those fish will grow to nearly the length of your tank.
I'm not a great expert on fish but I strongly suspect that the neons and sharks are an incompatible combination, the neons may eventually become a small tasty snack for the sharks, if they survive that long.
Just so you know, I'm a newbie too but I have picked up a few tips from these forums and I think it would save you time and money in the long run to take your fish back and consider a fishless cycle.
daizeUK said:
Try to take the bala sharks back to the shop while it's still early days, they ought to take them back since you have been mis-sold, those fish will grow to nearly the length of your tank.
daizeUK said:
I'm not a great expert on fish but I strongly suspect that the neons and sharks are an incompatible combination, the neons may eventually become a small tasty snack for the sharks, if they survive that long.
Just so you know, I'm a newbie too but I have picked up a few tips from these forums and I think it would save you time and money in the long run to take your fish back and consider a fishless cycle.
They will take them back...i took one of my male dwarf Guaramis back today to pets at home...they sold me 2 male which they should know shouldnt be put together...after arguing with the woman for 10 mins she offered me an exchange...sharks tend to be fine on their own, unsure of balas but my ruby and my old black/red fin (r.i.p) were fine With tetras......just take them back with the receipt hopefully and just make it sound like you know what you're talking about...because 90% of the time pets at home staff have no idea about anything.  
p.s they also sold me a male fighter last week thinking it was a female, could have been disastrous!!!!
always do your own research before shopping at pets at home as the staff are not specifically trained

and to add..I would personally do a 50% plus water change daily.....shouldn't be too much hassle with that tank...I'm no expert on cycling tanks as i buy all mine second hand so they are already pre-cycled, just saves me so much time an i can near enough get fish in it straight away....
also if possible, try and get hold of some mature filter media (sponge, ceramic noodles) from a friend or maybe a petshop could help...this will speed up the cycling process
Ok firstly you need take the sharks back asap!! it's very cruel to have them In a tank that size, no matter how small they currently are!

Also tetras are very sensitive fish and should only be introduced to an established tank

You are now in a fish in cycle and therefore need to to be doing larger water changes, like 90% daily if not twice daily, (you need to leave just enough water for the fish to swim upright) you need to keep ammonia and nitrite at 0,

You will also need to purchase a liquid test kit, I use the api master test kit

you have made the same mistake many of us have so don't feel bad, but you've now got a lot of hard work ahead of you in order to cycle the tank

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