Hi All!


New Member
Apr 2, 2013
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Howdy!  I'm new here. ;-)  I have a 55 with 2 goldfish--George is white and pretty large (6" or so) and Goldie (my niece named her! Don't blame me!) is gold (duh) and smaller.  Goldie was won by my niece at a fair (despite my telling them never to participate in those things!) and was a feeder fish.  My niece tried to keep her in a bowl at home for a while (despite my begging her to get a proper tank).  She did change the water daily and did her best, but Goldie was not thriving so she eventually asked me to take her.  She lived with my other fish until Polly died last year (still not sure why, but Polly never entirely thrived) and now it's just Goldie and George.  Goldie has grown a TON since she came to live with me but has seemed to top out at 4"--perhaps b/c of her poor start in life (feeder fish, then fishbowl)?  She seems healthy though, and happy.
I used to have weather loaches years ago and am considering getting 2 to add to the tank.  What do you guys think? Is that too many in a 55?  Loaches aren't as dirty as goldfish though, so maybe it's OK? I have 2 powerful filters (an Emperor and a double Penguin) and I do 40% changes every 2 weeks.
Anyway, despite my having "only" goldfish, I've been keeping them for 13 years so I'm fairly knowledgable.  I like GF because they are more individual than many other fish--I can easily tell them apart, whereas so many fish just seem to be part of a school. :)  And they're pretty.
Hi pawsplus!!!
Welcome to the forums! :)
It's nice to meet people like you who take good care of their goldfish rather than stuffing 3 in a small bowl. :)
I'm not sure about the weather loaches but I think they need a 75 gallon cause they are very active. I'd love to see some pics of your goldfish George and Goldie.

Is that George and Goldie in your profile picture? They're very pretty.
I don't think you should get weather loaches. However, you have done an amazing job by rescuing that goldfish, and taking such good care of the goldfish. They have a nice large home to live in now.

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