

Fish Crazy
Oct 3, 2022
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Windsor England
I need to euthanize my guppy. How do I do it? I've got clove oil but I have no idea how much I need to put in

Edit: I've already done it now, he died within 5 seconds
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Sad story, why did you have to put him down? I read your post wrong, I thought you were trying to neuter him...
Sad story, why did you have to put him down? I read your post wrong, I thought you were trying to neuter him...
Oh haha, that's quite funny!
I honestly dont know what happened to him, his scales looked messed up, he sort of went yellow, he barely had a tail left.
He had been like this for a few weeks, I was thinking about euthanizing him when I first noticed, but he was eating perfectly fine, doing his business perfectly fine, swimming around with the others perfectly fine.

Today I noticed he looked 'stuck' in a vallisneria, he wasnt stuck though, he was dying. I turned around for a second and he had moved. Face in the sand.
I thought he would die naturally so I left him, I also didnt want to stress him out nor did I have any clove oil.
A few hours later, he was swimming on his back, floating around, looking as if he was about to pass.
Luckily I got him out and put him in a container, a neighbour had some clove oil which we borrowed.
I added it into the container and he died within seconds. I'm pretty sure he would've died by tomorrow and got sucked into the filter so I'm honestly relieved.

I'm pretty sure this is all because I had rosy barbs, absolute terrorists, in my 70l. Regret ever keeping them, they terrorized all of my guppies to the point where I had to move all my guppies (who were hiding at the bottom) into my uncycled 200l.
I have since then rehomed the rosys, got more fish including 6 guppies, and saved my tank from any unwanted ammonia (from the deceased).
I’m glad everything worked out okay, some fish aren’t meant to be kept with others, I had to learn the hard way too

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