Help - Worried My Aquarium Will Collapse!


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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Hi, first time on this forum – sorry if I am in the wrong place but I am looking for some help! I have
a 250 litre / 55 Gallon cylinder aquarium which I have had for 5 years now. My
question is not so much related to the life in the aquarium but the actual
structure of it! A couple of months ago I was using the algae magnet and as I
was moving it back and forth I noticed the entire tank was actually moving too –
kind of wobbling if that makes sense? After checking the tank over, to my
horror I realised that where the clear tank sits on the black base, the way it
was adhered had come away!

Please excuse my lame description, I have tried to attach a picture but it says file is too big. I have attached a picture I found on the internt which is an exact copy. The best way to describe it is where you see the clear tank meet the base, it is down the side where it meets where it has come away (it may be worth mentioning that the clear tank sits on the base, it is not all in one) I have literally stuffed pieces of
 cardboard between the break and the tank which I have found kind of
stops it from “wobbling” in a way wedging the gap. I have tried contacting who
we bought if from and they have been no help at all apart from trying to sell
me a new one. I can’t actually remember the structure of the base, I’m
extremely worried that it could give way at any time with a quarter tonne of
water and the tanks contents flooding the room!

So, longwinded I know, I suppose I’m asking for help in
regards to 1: does ANYBODY know how these bases are structured and if they will
hold regardless?? 2: where I could possibly get a replacement base? (Have tried
everywhere!) 3: Any suggestion as to how I can possibly resolve the problem as
I keep having nightmares of the whole thing collapsing!!! I particularly worry
about my gorgeous 12inch plecostomus Felix who I have had since a wee baby!

Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you all in
advance! Zoe



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Hi Zoe, does not sound good if it is wobbly, I would get some large containers and drain the tank to take a good look at what is going on, before as you say it collapses.  If you get a very large storage box you could house the fish in it temporarily.  Running your heater and filter in the storage box.
Where are you located?
Do you know the brand of the tank you have?
Was there a warranty on the tank?
The above asked a few good questions, I would go out and buy a really solid table and use that instead of the stand. It might not look as pretty but for the sake of your fish and your household it's what I'd do.
Thnks for the speedy reply. I'm in Wolverhampton. There was a warrenty but only 1 year and the tank is over 5 years old now! The supplier did reply to my email (unable to contact them by phone) stating that there is a triangle support in the base and "shouldn't collapse" but then they would say that! Unfortunately I don't know the brand of the tank :( It is so difficult to try and explain the problem, it seems as though where the "lid" to the base - in which the whole clear tank section sits on - was joined together which some form of adhesive and this has come away, thus leaving whatever support that may be in the base literally holding it all up! I have to agree that what you have suggested is going to be the only way forward - only problem being that it is either going to impossible to fix - then needing the money for a new one - or I fix it only to have the same problem occur in the future! Not only that but not even sure how to go about attempting to fix it!

Hi Techen
Another very valid point, I have thought of just removing the base completely - do you think it would work to have the tank directly on the floor? Or would the possibility of the floor being just slightly uneven create a problem with weakening the structure of the actual tank? I think just in general I am worried about disrupting the inhabitants of the tank but that will be neither here nor there if it collapses I suppose! Think it's time to search out a large temporary container!
Yeah defo get it drained and take it from there. BnQ and the likes have large plastic containers. cheers
You're welcome you just happened to catch me on-line ... now cooking tea but waiting for it to cook
OK the reason for knowing the brand is that we can research more about the tank, plus you could contact the manufacturer yourself and ask them for further info.  See if your supplier will tell you the brand of the tank?  Otherwise, measure it, then google it and see if you can find out which it is?
You can stand the aquarium on the floor, but it would need to be on a base that is able to support it, an uneven floor would likely cause it to crack.  So if it was me I would get a piece of wood that fitted the tank base, plus some polystyrene and maybe some carpet squares (most carpet shops give these away for free!).  Then using these items I would make the wood level to support the base, plus stand the tank on the polystyrene.  It is difficult though as without seeing it, it is difficult to advise fully.  Basically the water in a tank is very heavy, and therefore a tank needs a level and solid structure to prevent it cracking.  You may need to get someone to advise you further, but do not place the tank on an uneven surface.  Also, without knowing the brand of tank it is difficult as it maybe reliant on its own stand, which some manufacturers insist on.
Have you room for a rectangular tank?  Just they are more readily available if this one turns out to be no good.
You can get good tanks on Gumtree but best to see them with water in ideally.
What fish are in the tank?

Re: "I have tried to attach a picture but it says file is too big."  Do you have Windows?  If so look under ALL PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES and chose PAINT.  Open the image in there and then see where it says re-size then shrink it in %.  PM (Private Message) me if you need further explanation of this.
It would help to see a pic of the damage you are describing.
If you will be attaching more photos on this forum, it's a good idea to join Photobucket or Flickr or something similar. Then you can upload your photos there, then click on the "direct link" where it will be copied. Then when you post on the forum, click on the little icon that looks like a snapshot above where you type the text and paste the code there.
If you talked to the supplier and they knew just what you were talking about, then they know the name of the manufacturer and they should be able to help you.
Good luck, and 
Hi everyone,
thank you so much for all of your sppedy replies :) RCA I totally agree that knowing the main supplier would be an advantage, I really don't mind saying (been as I have contacted them regarding the issue) that I bought the tank from All Pond Solutions. By the looks of things, in terms of the additional materials supplied, it looks like the main supplier is somewhere in China
 . As I anticipated I would incur problems whether I decide to place the tank directly on the floor or another surface. i know that the correct measures need to be followed to ensure that the surface is of a relevant level. At the moment I simply have my beloved Felix the pleco, a misgurnus loach called Larry (so sad I know but they are part of the family and so have a name!) Several neon's, danio's and angel fish. Not quite as many as you may think for the size of aquarium but have not added any in the last few months due to this problem. May have had my head in the sand, it has been this way a while now but really thinking it could all go round any day and think the best way to go is temporary tank and just see if a repair can be done, if not then may need another tank!
Oh a couple more points, the plastic container needs to ideally be food grade to prevent any leaching from the plastic that can affect the fish!  OR find a cheap glass tank on Gumtree or similar just to put the fish in temporarily.
Plus google acrylic aquarium manufacturers and see what there is, as this would be a good source to talk to in reference to any potential repair that may need doing.

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