Help with tank set up.

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Feb 11, 2022
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Hi I'm looking at upgrading my 40ltr tank to a juwel 180 rio and was wondering what is the best filter and heater to use please. Budget I don't want to break the bank but also want it to work! It will have sand substrate and fish wise I have at the moment 6 harlequins, 6 neons and 3 plattys, 2 female 1 male, thought I had all female!! Hoping to get a few more of each of these plus some corydoras a bristle nose and maybe a couple of something else but havnt looking into what yet. Thanks in advance.
Is this a new tank or second hand? If it's new it will come with a filter and heater. But if it's second hand the previous owner may have removed the filter and heater in which case you will need new.
Hi its second hand hence why I need a filter and heater, I can't afford a brand new tank unfortunately. I know the filters that come with tanks aren't always necessary the best ones.
I would spend a bit more on a heater. Those cheap imports from the far east aren't the best quality and have been known to fail. I like Eheim heaters, I have 200 watt in my 180 litre.

Filter - internal or external? You can often pick up second hand externals on eBay. I have an Eheim Biopower internal in my tank. Other good makes include the Fluval U series.
To be honest it's all a bit of a mine field to me! I assume an external is better but more expensive? I will have a look up on ebay and read up on some of the filter user guides as well.
With filters, think about which fish will be in the tank. Some fish like slow moving water while others like fast moving. If you have all slow water fish, getting a filter with a high turnover is a bit of a waste as it would need to be turned down to minimum to suit the fish. And a small filter with a low turnover wouldn't suit fish which need a fast water flow.
Thank you, at the moment I have plattys, harlaquins and neons, will be getting corrydoras, a bristlenose and possibly something like rainbows or angels after some more research.
Those are slow water flow fish, so you won't need a high turnover.

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