Help With Stocking


New Member
Aug 5, 2012
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Just got a fluval edge 46l and currently doing a Fishless cycle. Now researching what fish to put in. I was after some colourful fish that utilise all the space. Does anybody have any suggestions? I was thinking of some harlequin rasboras, some male guppies and some shrimp. What do people think about these?
Hi i would mix some of this up a bit - on the right track with the shrimp, go with cheries, instead of guppies get endlers and instead of harlequins get galaxy rasbora :)

Smaller fish will appreciate the smaller tank than the big ones.

Just got a fluval edge 46l and currently doing a Fishless cycle. Now researching what fish to put in. I was after some colourful fish that utilise all the space. Does anybody have any suggestions? I was thinking of some harlequin rasboras, some male guppies and some shrimp. What do people think about these?
the harlequin rasboras fish are fast moving fish and love to school with each other. they may go and attack the fins of your male guppies. and what type of shrimps did you have in mind?

a list of colourful fish in my opinion that i think would be good for that size of set up

Marigold Variatus
Orange Von Rio Flame Tetra
neon tetra
Sunburst Platy
Dwarf Gourami or powder blue gourami

for this size of set up you do not want to get large fish because there is not a lot of room for them.

for the shrimp there are

Red Cherry Shrimp size is roughly an inch
yellow shrimp size is roughly an inch
Crystal Shrimp size if around 2 inches

there are also rock shrimp, but they do not move around a lot like the red cherry shrimp
now when having shrimp they are often turned into food by the other fish... and with fast moving fish they are sometimes picked off.
a list of colourful fish in my opinion that i think would be good for that size of set up

Marigold Variatus
Orange Von Rio Flame Tetra
neon tetra
Sunburst Platy
Dwarf Gourami or powder blue gourami

for this size of set up you do not want to get large fish because there is not a lot of room for them.

I would actually consider most of those quite large fish for this kind of tank - the edges, even the larger one have small sizes - the footprint is small but in the big one it is just taller.

I would avoid the Dwarf Gourami, Von Rio Flame Tetras and probably the neons to be fair. Platies are a little larger than I would like to go. In tanks like this you are much better off with stocking extremely small fish and most of the common small fish are not the best inhabitants. Though a lot of the micro fish are not that rare these days.

Just to add to the list of fish that could work in this tank from my list above.

Galaxy Rasbora
Chilli Rasbora
Pygmy Gourami (not dwarf)
Endlers Livebearers
Ember Tetras
Hara Hara Catfish
Badis Badis
Rosy Loaches (though the foot print of the edge might be a bit small for these)

These are all tiny fish but most of them pack in a lot of colour and/or a lot of character.

Shrimp are always a good addition as they do not create much waste and the cherry shrimp add a lot of colour - avoid things like amano or rock shrimp though as these get reasonably big.

I agree with Wills... avoid any type of Gourami and Tetra (possibly Amber Tetra though, but mine have got to the size of a small Neon Tetra).
Certainly look at all 'Micro' fish, especially Chilli Rasbora... and get a nice stocking of shrimp...Cherry Red, possibly Red Crystal and Orange shrimp.

Best of luck with the rest of the fishless cycle :good:


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