Help! Quantity Of Fish?


New Member
Aug 3, 2013
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I am in the process of fish less cycling my 90litre tank. I'm looking into the fish I would like in my tank. But I'm not sure how many of each I should get. Can you help with a few ideas so I know I won't over stock my tank please

Fish I'm looking at getting are

Guppies male and female (I know it 2:1 female ratio)
Mollies (male or female???)
Bottom feeder (which is best?)

Thank you in advance. I'm looking at getting fish real soon (at end of cycle I think) so need some help so I don't over stock

:) Thanx
I don't really think that you should have a frog in there, I've heard of them dieing from lack of food, some will also attack fish.

Tetras, you should always have at least 6.

I'd personally go with male mollies because they won't breed, the number of them depends on the other stock.
Same for the platies.

You could have 3-5 guppies (depending on other stock).

For that size tank with those other fish, I would recommend Pygmy Corys, their small size lets you have even more of them and they shoal really well (IMO).
Hi welcome to the forum :)
When you say fishless cycling the tank what are you using?
In tanks under 100 litres I always think that the best way to go is with small fish in bigger numbers so rather than the Guppies I would go for Endlers a group of males and then for the Tetras go for Green Neon Tetras or Ember Tetras (or maybe a few of each) for the bottom dwellers look at things like Pygmy Cory Catfish or Panda Cory Catfish are a little easier to find and stay quite small. Dwarf Moth Catfish are quite cool as well Hara Hara :) I would skip the Mollies as they are quite large growing compared to the other fish. And you could probably get away with a few African Dwarf Frogs - just make sure you have some plants or decor that go quite high to the top of the tank so they can rest for air.
I think for me I would go for
3 Platies (all males)  OR  6 Endlers Livebearers (all male)
8 Ember Tetras   OR   8 Green Neon Tetras
8 Pygmy Cory Cats
3 African Dwarf Frog (make sure you get the true dwarf species as the clawed ones get mislabeled a lot)
How about otocinclus? I know its very sensetive but they can do good in good setups
an otocinclus would be a good choice for bottom feeder
for tetras i know there are many nice ones but i found that rummy nose tetras are really nice easpically if you are looking at getting colourful guppies :)

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