Help identifying Betta


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
Sorry for the quality but my digital camera is on its last legs so the picture is fuzzy and poorly focused. This resembles a crowntail or halfmoon but I got him at a PetCo at regular Betta prices hidden behind the regular Bettas. They had some other curious looking males not of the typical variety but I only have one tank set up at the moment for a Male. I've got a 1.5 gallon and another 1 gallon plus a 5 gallon I can place 3 more in if this guy turns out to be special and I find more like him there.

He's a replacement to my previous male who died suddenly the night before that. I wasn't planning on replacing him so soon but I was there to grab some supplies when I happened across this guy.



I'm only learning about betta's but that looks like a crowntail to me(im not sure what a halfmoon looks like) .... BUT one of the gurus on here will be able to tell you :whistle:

Anyhow he is lovely
Thanks. :D He's actually more of a black bodied, silver colored with black spotted fins. Once I can get a better camera, or at least a better picture, I'll post a good one of him.
This is more along the lines of his finnage, with the black spots though this is a female Crowntail I found on another site.

Teelie said:
This is more along the lines of his finnage, with the black spots though this is a female Crowntail I found on another site.

Now that is one hot female! :shifty: :hey:
One of my females looks like that with her fins though she's a darker blue color and not a Crowntail to my knowledge. Her fins aren't quite as pronounced either.
Looks like a partial crowntail. Its probably the result of breeding a crowntail and veil tail. The rays only extend slightly farther than the "webbing" which leads me to believe he isn't a pure crown tail. Still a nice looking betta for one you got from petco.
Thanks for the help. :) I suspected as much. It means he'll carry the crowntail genes and that's a start for me. I can eventually breed out pure Crowntails I hope. I don't know of any local breeders so I would be the first. 8)

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