Help! Goldfish Swallowed A Pebble!


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Junction 9 of the M25, UK
Hi all,

One of the 'company goldfish" has just - with extreme difficulty - swallowed a pebble! He's only about 3 inches long (minus tail) so a normal piece of gravel is just about the size of his mouth!

Will he be able to 'pass' this normally or is this something serious?

*worried look on face*
Are you sure he hasn't spit it out. If not, I think you have a problem...
Sometimes you can push them out you have to know what you are doing.
Make sure its not stuck in his mouth.
Feed some peas to help him flush it out.

Rockitis (a.k.a. Rock In The Mouth)


Fish will yawn and appear to be imbalanced in the water, with their head significantly lower than their tail (as if they were standing on their head).


The fish has ingested a rock or gravel and is unable to spit it back out.


You need to remove the gravel from the fish's mouth or else it will eventually die of starvation. To do this, net the fish and as you bring it to the surface, it will open its mouth. If not, gently open its mouth with a fingernail or tweezers. At this point, grasp the rock with long, round-tipped tweezers and pull it out. If it does not come out easily, you can try turning the rock inside the fish's mouth to loosen it and then pull. To prevent this from reoccuring, you might consider replacing your gravel with gravel that is too large to fit in your fish's mouth.

Note: Only handle fish with wet hands and hold them gently. Never keep them out of water for more than 2 minutes, although this should only take 30 seconds. If you are unable to remove the rock, keep trying. Return the fish to the water and try again after it has rested for a few minutes.
Well, he's still alive, so HOPEFULLY, he's been able to poo it out.


We're keeping an eye on him... He's perky and eating well, so we've got our finger crossed!!


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